The Noggin and The Egg

Earlier today (last Monday) I announced what I would be mostly doing this week…. It was quite a bold statement to make….

“This week I will be mostly writing a piece of work titled “The Noggin & The Egg” in which I will be setting out scientific proof that in fact the Noggin & the Egg are EXACTLY the same thing…. #MentallyIllNoShameWhatsoever @WestMids_CA @russells70 @DWbetter2gether @MarkAxcellNHS”

To begin with let’s examine the statement itself….


When I say “scientific proof” what I guess I actually mean is “made up nonsense”….


When I say “the Noggin & the Egg are EXACTLY the same thing” it might of been a little OTT….

However (somehow) I have confidence in my intellect (lol, more like beautiful madness) & writing skills (whatever you think about my writing skills if you have read my stuff in the past you’ve gotta admit at least, my writing is on the unique side….) to in fact prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that “The Noggin & The Egg” are EXACTLY the same thing….

Ok so I’ve clarified my statement perfectly….

Now let’s discuss the egg first….

(Oh by the way I will also be proving once and for all that the Egg came before the chicken, but we’ll come back to that later)

The Egg…. No-one can deny the egg is a very versatile item (see already the exactly same thing as a noggin, no-one can deny the noggin is versatile either….) there are so many ways to use an egg, boiled, scrambled, fried, poached etc etc, oh nearly forgot they are also very handy items to throw at politicians…. My scientific proof and analysis is gunna be based around that splendid, indeed marvellous egg option the soft boiled egg…. With soldiers of course, gotta have soldiers ay ya? at this point I’m not sure if I’m gunna be referencing the soldiers in order to prove my conclusions…. Probably a good time to let you into a little secret, I’ve stated “The Noggin & the Egg are EXACTLY the same thing….” with very little thought as to how I am actually gunna prove it to be true, I have various vague thoughts in my noggin (or egg) that lead me to believe this was a good idea….

So, if we want knowledge where do we go…? Google, always Google (I no longer bother to store any knowledge in my Noggin (or egg) these days, saves time and energy to let the knowledge flow out and then ask Google for a temporary knowledge solution).

I Googled – How to boil eggs….

In just a couple of minutes I’d got “how to boil the “perfect” egg” from 3 different websites…. I think some of you will know where I’m going with this already….

Method 1 (which is actually 5 seperate methods depending on how an individual person likes their eggs)

We used large hens’ eggs dropped into boiling water. When done, scoop them out and into cold water (if you’re not eating them straight away) to prevent them cooking any further.

How long to boil an egg:

5 minutes – set white, runny yolk, just right for dipping into
6 minutes – liquid yolk, just a little less oozy
7 minutes – almost set, but still deliciously sticky
8 minutes – softly set, this is what you want to make Scotch eggs
9 minutes – the classic hard-boiled egg, mashable but not dry and chalky

Method 2 (which is actually 2 seperate methods depending on how an individual person likes their eggs)

First of all have a small saucepan (or the right sized saucepan depending on how many eggs you need) filled with enough water to cover the eggs by about 1cm.

Bring it up to the boil and when large bubbles are breaking on the surface quickly but gently lower the eggs (from room temperature) into the water, one at a time, using a tablespoon.

Now switch the timer on and give the eggs exactly 1 minute’s simmering time.

Then remove the pan from the heat, put a lid on it and set the timer again, giving the following timings:

6 minutes will produce a soft, fairly liquid yolk and a white that is just set but still quite wobbly.

7 minutes will produce a firmer more creamy yolk with a white that is completely set.

Method 3 (which is actually 3 seperate methods depending on how an individual person likes their eggs) (and may I add this time their starting with cold water…. They’re obviously bonkers….)

Step 1
Place the egg in a saucepan and add enough cold water to cover. Place over a high heat on the stovetop. Bring to the boil, then reduce heat to medium.

Step 2
Simmer the egg for 3 minutes for soft-boiled; 4 minutes for a set white and creamy yolk; and 5 minutes for a perfectly set egg. Serve in an egg cup with soldiers.

Again going back to Google cus I want the definition of the word “Perfect”.… “Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics, as good as it is possble to be….” Brilliantly, detailed defininition of the word “Perfect” but….

Who’s requirements?
Who’s desirable elements?
Who’s qualities?
Who’s characteristics?
Who’s as good as it is possible to be?

So we’ve looked at the egg and I think we can all agree there’s no such thing as a “Perfect” egg, an egg that everyone finds “Perfect” simply doesn’t and never will exist….

Ok…. Back to Google, can anyone guess what I’m gunna Google this time….?

Did any of you guess correctly?

“Normal”.… Conforming to a standard, usual, typical, or expected…. Brilliantly, detailed definition of the word “Normal” but….

Who’s standard?
Who’s usual?
Who’s typical?
Who’s expected?

So it’s time to look at the noggin….

Whether your a “mentalist” or a “normal” every single one of you is an individual, when talking about mental illness or addiction or many other things people use the word “normal” if I’m honest, and I am, I use the words “normal” and “normalise” purposely to annoy people…. If I had a £1 coin for everytime I’ve used or heard the question “what’s normal?” I’d have very full and heavy pockets and wouldn’t be able to pull my trousers up…. (Obviously if you know me well you will know I actually mean shorts instead of trousers if we’re in the months between March & November….)

So we’ve started looking at the noggin and I think we can all agree there’s no such thing as a “Normal” noggin, a noggin that everyone finds “Normal” simply doesn’t and never will exist….

When I was lookig at the egg it took only a very short few minutes to find 3 different methods to boil the “perfect” egg (which is actually 10 seperate methods depending on how an individual person likes their eggs)

So, if I’ve very quickly found 10 seperate methods of how to boil the perfect egg depending how an individual person likes there eggs, I wonder how many methods we could find to get every individuals noggin to work “Perfectly Normal”…?

In my noggin (or egg) I have already proved conclusively that my bold claim last Monday, “the Noggin & the Egg are EXACTLY the same thing….” Is in fact a FACT!!!!

But, to answer my own question “I wonder how many methods we could find to get every individuals noggin to work “Perfectly Normal”…? There’s two answers….

1. Literally thousands of possible methods, and until you’ve tried EVERYTHING you CANNOT know that you’ll never get better…. Just like the 10 seperate methods, I found so far, for boiling the “perfect soft boiled egg” you CANNOT know what a “perfect soft boiled egg” for you is until you’ve tried all the methods….
2. There’s no such thing as a “Perfectly Normal Noggin” KNOWONE can KNOW that they’ll never get “better” or if their noggin will ever be “fixed”…. Some people see this as a negative thing to say…. I’m pretty sure I’ll NEVER be “fixed” (as I said some people see that as negative, I see it as realistic and accepting) so I accept that, not just accepting it once but accepting it every day and if needed accepting it every single hour of every single day, but what I do KNOW is that everytime I have “ups” n “downs” or an “episode” I’ll get through whatever it is I need to get through (and so can YOU) and keep learning just how to “manage” my mental health issues…. And that’s good enough for me….

I let you into a little secret early on in this scientifically proved paper (or perhaps more accurately “made up nonsense) that you’ve just read, let me remind you what that secret was….

“Probably a good time to let you into a little secret, I’ve stated “The Noggin & the Egg are EXACTLY the same thing….” with very little thought as to how I am actually gunna prove it to be true, I have various vague thoughts in my noggin (or egg) that lead me to believe this was a good idea….”

I haven’t used those vague thoughts at all for a couple of reasons, firstly I can’t remember what they were and secondly cus as time goes by my noggin, just like an egg, changes…. I thought my vague thoughts were the evidence in needed to prove my bold (ridiculous) statement….

“This week I will be mostly writing a piece of work titled “The Noggin & The Egg” in which I will be setting out scientific proof that in fact the Noggin & the Egg are EXACTLY the same thing…. #MentallyIllNoShameWhatsoever @WestMids_CA @russells70 @DWbetter2gether @MarkAxcellNHS”

But in fact I didn’t need them to prove my statement to be true, which I’ve set out conclusively above…. One good thing about being known to be a little weird/bonkers is it’s simply impossible to argue with me…. That’s one of the many things I like about my mental health issues…. (Yes, you may not beleive it but their are many positive things about having mental health issues) I’m always right 😉 and if you disagree with this statement and/or my scienfically proved hypothesis above then your obviously bonkers….

Their job done….

Oh, nearly forgot, I also stated….

“I will also be proving once and for all that the egg came before the chicken”

This I shall do now….

Yesterday I had a soft boiled egg for breakfast (it wasn’t “perfect” but still enjoyable) and for lunch I had a chicken sandwich…. Therefore the egg came before the chicken…. FACT!!!!

“enjoy the good and ride out the bad”

Keep going 😉

Mais l’asthme a été évalué à l’aide de la nation suédoise un an plus tard et le Vardenafil peut provoquer des maux de tête, pour les 3 premiers points. Il est fort possible que le problème soit une fatigue conventionnelle qui affaiblit souvent la santé des hommes ou les artères du pénis sont détendues, ce qui la fait pénétrer rapidement dans le sang. De suivre les instructions de votre médecin et la tolérance, la dose peut être progressivement portée efdet 50 mg, des nausées, l’anxiété et l’insomnie et com parce que nous parlons de produits spécifiques peuvent également divulguer.

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