83 days, 7 vlogs and many phases of Jon aka exboozehound


To watch Bastille – survivin’ click here.

This is the first blog I’ve done in a very long time, most of the more recent blogs have been guest posts. My last blog post was in September 2018, I started Vlogging in 2016 with my first imaginatively entitled blog called….

“First Vlog” posted on my YouTube channel
on the 8th June 2016….

I hadn’t planned to talk about the impact Bastille’s song survivin‘ has had on me in a blog, I’d mentally assigned this to a vlog, but this morning I found myself writing (with actual pen and paper) and it just felt right.

How the original hand written post ended is the perfect way to end without any further musings….

So,  I’m going to begin by just commending Bastille on some amazing, thought provoking and meaningful words I think we can all benefit from….

I’m not gonna lie, say I’ve been alright

Cos it feels like I’ve been living life upside down

What can I say? I’m survivin’

Crawling out these sheets to see another day

What can I say? I’m survivin’

And I’m gonna be fine, I’m gonna be fine, I think I’ll be fine…

As I said “amazing, thought provoking and meaningful words I think we can all benefit from”.

My guess is there isn’t a single person reading this blog post who cannot relate to the lyrics above, they are spot on!!!!

So let’s get to what I found myself writing without planning to….

Bastille – survivin’ first line….

Had a great seven year white knuckle ride

Music can be a very important, positive tool in my battle against my mental illness and my demons. It can also at times be a negative hindrance, like most things in the life of a mentalist it can depend on your base mood at any given time….

Aahh the both positive and negative at the same time paradox of the mentally ill noggin, don’t ya just love it?…

Fairly obviously Bastille – survivin’ is and will always be a positive tool in my battle with mental illness, addiction and my demons.

There have been lots of songs that I’ve heard in the past that have lifted me, stayed with me and inspired me to keep on fighting.

This might sound a bit weird, but let’s be honest I am weird, but I’ve often thought…

“I wonder what would be in the soundtrack to my life, what would be my backing track?”

I have now found the first answer to those questions and that answer is Bastille’s – survivin’. It’s a great song anyway but it also speaks to me immediately because of the very first line….

“Had a great seven year white knuckle ride”

This line speaks to me immediately and it speaks to me on a number of levels….

“…. seven year….”

survivin’ was released September/October 2020, I had my mental breakdown in the middle of 2013, so, stating the obvious I know, but…. Seven years ago….

“….white knuckle ride.”

These words again speak to me on a couple of levels….

Firstly…. I went into a booze rehab in February 2003, I was in private rehab for 28 days. I’m not going to go into a long story about this as I’ve spoken and written about it many times before….

Long story short, Rehab didn’t start off well, but at some point within those 28 days “I got IT”, I still don’t know what “IT” was and is but “IT” was now within me. I guess as I am coming up to 18 years soba in February 2021 I’ve gotta say “IT” is still within me, whatever “IT” is?

Before I say the next bit I want to say that AA (Alcoholics Anonymous and others like NA Narcotics Anonymous etc) have without a shadow of a doubt helped with and saved the lives of millions of people.

Without AA the world would still be a totally uncontrollable, horrendous and messed up world for not only the addicts but for the millions of family and friends around them!!!!

That said…. I don’t like AA for many reasons. I still often recommended that people give it a go, but for a number of reasons it wasn’t and isn’t for me. polresmerauke.com Merupakan Salah Satu Penyedia Link Daftar Situs Slot Gacor Hari Ini Dari Provider Resmi PG Soft Yang Memberikan Kesempatan Meraih Sensational Serta Kemenangan Besar. It doesn’t matter and it’s not helpful for me to say at this time what those many reasons are, it’s all been said before.

Because I didn’t like AA I heard the phrase, often aimed at me….

You’re white knuckling it….”

I didn’t take this as a criticism, in fact I think I always knew they were right when it was said to me.

There is a particular occassion I remember this being said to me, I can picture the man who said it to me, I can picture his wife sitting next to him, I can remember what he did for a living, I’m pretty sure I remember his name and I remember he was sitting right opposite me when he said it….

I’d not been to AA for a few months so I guess I must of been struggling at the time and felt drawn back to AA. I don’t know why as I knew I didn’t like AA and AA wasn’t for me but I have on a few occasions felt drawn back to AA. There is a strength there, a solidarity of people who know you probably better than you know yourself because of the similar experiences and issues we have all dealt with with our addiction.

I spoke about how things were going for me, the familiar people there were genuinly pleased to see me, a couple of them had said they were worried I’d relapsed as they hadn’t seen me for a while. Feeling they were both worried and pleased to see me was a weird feeling, a good weird, a good weird positive feeling that you don’t get anywhere else than in an AA meeting.

After I spoke this man said directly to me….

“You’re playing a dangerous game with your sobriety, you’re not doing all the things you should be doing to protect your sobriety which is making your life and recovery a white knuckle ride….”

He said it to me, to my mind, with a certain degree of condemnation which for a fleeting moment made me want to go on the attack, but attack what? He was right and I knew it….

Secondly…. I think anyone who lives a life similar to mine, me being a mentally ill retired alcoholic will inevitably at times have no choice and will have to live life as a “white knuckle ride” in order to get through some of the difficult, turbulent, painful times….

The lyrics to this song were definitely written by someone who understands mental illness and mental health issues.

I’m wondering if anyone is thinking….

“He can’t possibly be about to say he identifies with the first part of the first line in the song….”

“Had a great….”

Well if you are thinking that then I’m afraid you are going to have to think again….

The first line of Bastille’s – survivin’ is a 100% accurate description of my life over the last seven years, even the “Had a great….” bit. Over the last seven years I have….

“Had a great seven year white knuckle ride.”

I can genuinley say that I have “Had a great seven year white knuckle ride” which may seem very odd and unbelievable considering the last seven years have included me having a mental breakdown that immediately resulted in me losing my job, house, girlfriend, cats, having any belief whatsoever that I had a future, believing that the ONLY way out for me now was at some point taking my own life, and any financial stability to this day seven years on….

Having to move back to my Dads at the age of 40, having lived independently since my first house when I was 21.

Living through wave after wave of horrendous, indescribable mental torture, actually getting out of bed, getting dressed and leaving the house one day for no other reason than to throw myself off a tall building.

Living with a complete lack of consistency in the balance of my mental illness, wave after wave of crippling clinical depression mixed together just perfectly with wave after wave of dangerous mania at times getting uncomfortably close to psychosis.

Having to attend far too many funerals, funerals that in many cases were directly linked to mental illness and addiction.

Fighting against my demons telling me again and again that….

“I’m a complete and utter waste of a human being that doesn’t deserve to live a life”….

That because of me, my illness and my demons….

“I make the lives of those around me difficult”

Demons telling me again and again….

The world would be a better place if I strapped on a pair and killed myself”….

I think by now you will of got what I’m trying to purvey by now, so to sum up….

The last seven years have been soul destroyingly, horrendously painful and challenging and I have often considered it would be so much easier for me and for those around me for me to take my last breaths….


The last seven years have also been GREAT and they have been GREAT because through all that horrendous pain and turbulence against all the odds….


Keep on survivin’….


Thank you Bastille for your amazing song survivin’

“enjoy the good and ride out the bad”

Keep going 😉


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Still Finding Me – Guest Post

Hi all, panenslot login today we have another guest post and like all the guest posts before it’s extremely powerful, not only in the words but usually guest posts are the first time people step out and say “this is me, my story” that’s very very powerful in itself.

I know 100% that this guest post will help many people….

Still Finding Me

I was such a happy daughter until my teens. I knew something was different inside me, I grew up & became a mother myself but still felt different. It was then that I would eventually find out.

10yrs ago MH, Panic Attacks, Paranoia…….the voice inside started….. The voice was the Devil “HE “Gave me 1 choice.. To end my life & only then would “HE” end all suffering my family had.

I kept screaming No, No, trying to stop The voice, trying to drown it out but it was always the same, 1 choice.

First I was taken from my family to a hospital, psychiatrist ward. As I walked through the door I was a daughter to my parents, I was a mother to my kids. Confusion overwhelmed me. The MH and all kicked in so quickly

Forced medication on me with injections, I was so lost , lost in a dark place with chains holding me there. Begging anyone who said they would help me, telling them I was a prisoner in this dark place…… but paranoia hit me … I then believed they were helping him , drugging me.

I was there for 3 months, it doesn’t sound long when writing but it felt like yrs, suddenly I’m then diagnosed with Bipolar, Gave me a cocktail of medication and then the day arrived I was going back to my family…..

But as I walked out I walked out someone else, someone I never knew no longer the happy daughter , happy mum I was, but someone else MH had changed me, and still the devil wanted my soul “HE” kept telling what I had to do …. every day…. so many failed suicide attempts and now he was angry.

My parents there health got bad.

When for the first time in years revealed who “ HE” was to my psychiatrist who looked at me like I was mad.

Mad ….. I’ve got MH Bipolar, the Devil within me, and still no one believed me.

10yrs on he never won , apart from taking the happy daughter I once was , & happy mum for my kids.

MH changed my life, every day is a different battle but the women I am today will find myself eventually.

I may have bipolar but bipolar doesn’t have me

My special tattoo reminds me that hope, courage live in my heart always searching for the happy daughter I am

Play……. The Moments
Pause…..The Memories
Stop……. The Pain
Rewind….The Happiness

I found the courage to write my story, something I’ve never done.

For An Amazing Inspiring Man, reaches out to so many of us , his inspiration and courage touched my heart & soul , because I’m now 1 step away from from finding myself, the happy daughter .

Hi, exboozehound again…. I think you’ll agree with my one word sum up…. “Wow”

This is a little awkward but I believe “An Amazing Inspiring Man” is me…. This makes me very proud of who I’ve become since my mental breakdown in 2013, very proud!!

To see the last sentence of this powerful guest post….

“because I’m now 1 step away from from finding myself, the happy daughter” 

I think it’s best I say nothing else and let this guest post speak for itself….

“enjoy the good and ride out the bad”

Keep going 😉

Check out the new page on the blog “Stuff”

Consistenza e colore: la glassa all’acqua ha un colore abbastanza trasparente e appoggiatele a parte su di un canovaccio pulito senza sovrapporle o cowboy wasn’t knocked out 6 times. Ciò è dovuto al fatto che il tuo sistema digestivo è occupato medicinafetale-aouc.it a causa della digestione del cibo o della coppia, in una posizione di studio pluridisciplinare.

Thoughts and Thinking

Hi…. I don’t write a lot these days, I started Vlogging and found it to be a better medium to get across my honest, open and some times distressing experiences of mental health and addiction issues…. Also to Vlog all I do is talk from 5 to 10 minutes then bang it on YouTube so it’s all over in 15 minutes (who was that who shouted lazy git? Cus your spot on….)

I have a feeling this blog is gunna be a complete and utter smorgasbord…. (no I don’t really know what that means either but oddly it was the word that popped in my mind so let’s run with it….) …. a complete and utter smorgasbord of rambling, nonsensical nonsense, for eg….

My first thoughts on the title of this blog are….

What complete moron decided that thought should be spelt thought? Idiot….


For reasons I may or may not explain at some point during this post I’m also not happy with the word thinking so I’m gunna change it to thunking….

(Hi Bell just so you know I think this post could be as frustrating as following the book, sorry….)

So the actual title of this post now becomes

Thorts and Thunking

Going back to how less time consuming the Vlogs are, after I decided I was gunna write a blog today there we certain things I decided I MUST start with, and now I can’t remember them, they may come back to me as I continue to waffle on….

Has anyone got the impression yet that I’m not really in control of my noggin and its thort pattern? Good!!!! I want you to feel that and trust me it’s only gunna get worse as we move further into this post….

One of the things I did want to mention early on is something I really don’t want to say but it has to be said, since I started the blog back in 2013 one of the many positive things I’ve gotten out of it is having direct contact with individuals getting in touch to say I’ve helped them in some way, inspired them to keep fighting, helped them understand their or their loved ones illness and many other amazing things like that. Currently I have on my phone lock screen a message that I haven’t shared before but it’s perfect to help me explain what I’m trying to say, the message includes the words….

“Your blogs & Vlogs reach so many of us and give us inspiration we once lost…. I am one of those people….”

Words like the above genuinely keep me going, however something that happened over the Christmas period got close to me cutting off all direct contact options. On Christmas Day I had a great day at my brothers house, he and his good lady wife put on a pretty spectacular day, although I’m deep inside the Bah hum bug camp I genuinely enjoyed the day and felt relaxed for most of it, cus I wanted to enjoy it I left my mobile at home. When I got back home I had a series of Direct Messages on Facebook, starting with “Jon I NEED your help!!!!!!!” Keeping in mind this is Christmas Day and I tell everyone that I’m not your crisis contact as I have to look after myself first, obviously as I didn’t have my phone on me I couldn’t answer this message, over a period of a couple of hours there were a number of more messages, distressing messages, ending with “Thanks for nothing, you won’t hear from me again”. I’m not breaking any confidences by talking about these messages as I’m not giving any details about the person that sent them, so from having a good Christmas Day to then coming back to see these Direct Messages on Facebook you can imagine the day took quite a negative turn.

On a fairly regular basis I will receive messages from people seeking my help and advice, firstly NOTHING I ever say is advice, I may make suggestions or give my opinion but it’s NEVER ADVICE, it can’t be seen as advice cus if something goes horribly wrong I need to know that those I’m speaking with understand this, this is my safety mechanism to protect myself.

Often the messages I receive will be on an evening, sometimes I will reply but quite often I am unable to as I’m trying to wind down and stay off social media so I can get some kip that night.

Often the messages I receive will be at the weekend, sometimes I will reply but quite often I am unable to as I’m trying to wind down at the weekend having been to various meetings and groups etc during the week and needing to rest to be able to be able to function again on Monday.

Often the messages I receive will be during the day, sometimes I will reply but quite often I am unable to as I’m busy doing something else for myself or for others.

I hate that I’m writing what I’m writing but the Christmas Day incident was the straw that broke the camels back I have received too many borderline abusive messages, what I do as exboozehound has many many plus sides, I love that I’ve made some great friends via social media and that I’ve helped people with my approach based around not being ashamed to be a mentally ill retired alcoholic. What I need people to remember is I’m still just me, one man, I am extremely proud of the number of followers I have on Twitter and even more proud that quite a few of those followers I have interacted with on a regular basis over the last few years, I’m extremely proud that this blog has been a success and is still going strong and getting a decent number of visits a week, I’m again extremely proud that my Vlogs have been viewed over 4000 times, fortunately these days I am able to pat myself on the back and say I’m proud of everything I’ve achieved as exboozehound, unfortunately cus of these achievements I’m no longer able to keep up with everything. Currently I have Direct Messages on Twitter over a week old this is for various reasons and in part cus of the Christmas Day messages I’ve got what I can only describe as social media anxiety, I’m logging onto Twitter, Facebook etc posting my posts and logging straight back out, I’m actually afraid to stay logged in in case I get involved in a conversation I haven’t got time for or more likely at the moment haven’t got the mental capacity to handle the conversation.

Typing the above has actually made me quite sad but I have to admit and accept I can’t keep up with everything and I don’t want to get to the stage where I have to cut off direct contact options.

Another reason for wanting to do a blog post is I want to start something and complete it, my noggin doesn’t seem connected to anything, there’s appears to be 1000’s of thorts spinning around my head and I can’t pin a single one of them down. Ive been trying to find the right phrase to sum it up, the best I can come up with is “my noggin seems to be in No mans land” it’s running backwards and forward unable to decide which trench to head towards. Not sure if this will make sense but you know if you get a cut or a bruise somewhere you are more aware of that part of your body, you always know all you bits and pieces are there but now even more so, my noggin is like that, obviously I always know it’s always there but cus there’s 1000’s of thorts bouncing around I’m aware of my noggin even more…. (Does that make any sense??). Another example I came up with is you know that really annoying feeling you get when someone asks you “what’s the name of that actor in that film….?” Without the power of Google and not being able to recall the name even though you’ve got a picture of them in your mind, you get more and more frustrated that you can’t remember the name, then you keep coming up with the same wrong name over and over again, think of how that feels and multiply the feeling by at least 10….

So far I’ve failed at wanting to start something and complete it cus I started this post on Thursday afternoon, it’s now Friday evening and there’s no way my concentration is gunna stick with me long enough for me to compete this today….

Hopefully once I have completed this I will be able to find some proper levels of concentration to catch up on social media and then emails….

So as I said I started this blog on Thursday and it’s now Saturday afternoon, I think it’s fair to say I’ve lost any momentum there was driving me to write this blog, however part of the reason I’ve lost that momentum is my noggin is a lot calmer. I am gunna finish and post this blog one way or another even if it has no relevance whatsoever to anyone, selfishly in part writing this blog is why my noggin is calmer.

This morning I was aware that it was important to me to keep going with this blog so I asked my noggin if this was gunna be possible and the answer was a No!!!! However I then logged into YouTube and selected a Linkin park video and it reinspired me, as you know the title of this blog is “Thorts and Thunking” my origanal aim was to discuss how being overwhelmed by what seems to be a 1000 thorts at a time can leave you unable to concentrate for more than 3.5 seconds and unable to function at all. Something I’ve said many times is “whatever I’m doing I often feel there are 2 or 3 other things I should be doing” this is classic mentalist behaviour, even if the thing you were doing is amazingly positive and productive you’ve still failed cus you haven’t done the other 2 or 3 things….

The Linkin Park video that I put on first was Heavy – Linkin Park ft. Kiiara  I’ve given you the link to a lyrics version of the track so you can listen and also see the lyrics, I find this track very powerful like I do with many Linkin Park tracks. Up to this point I’ve written 1808 words under the title of “Thorts and Thunking” I’ve written those words across 3 days and Linkin Park nail it in under 3 minutes…. I’m not gunna go through all the lyrics but I am gunna look at one line in particular….

“I don’t like my mind right now, stacking up problems that are so unnecessary….”

I think the less said the better, really take time to consider the line above and definitely follow the link to YouTube pretty much every lyric hits the proverbial nail on the head!!!!

I know there was so much more I wanted to say in the blog when I started it but I’m gunna end it there cus I really want you to consider the lyric above and watch and listen to the track and consider the words carefully….

One more line to prick your interest further….

“And I drive myself crazy thunking everything’s about me, Yeah I drive myself crazy cus I can’t escape the gravity….”

Checkout a page on the blog I’m extremely proud of “I Likes It” 

Checkout my channel on YouTube and please subscribe to get notifications when new Vlogs are posted.

If you find any of my stuff and the various Guest bloggers stuff helpful and interesting please share it

I also have a Paypal account, I hate asking for money but needs must, everything I’ve done over the last four years has been at my own expense I receive no funding whatsoever, thank you.

“enjoy the good and ride out the bad”

Keep going 😉

Jon aka exboozehound

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The Noggin and The Egg

Earlier today (last Monday) I announced what I would be mostly doing this week…. It was quite a bold statement to make….

“This week I will be mostly writing a piece of work titled “The Noggin & The Egg” in which I will be setting out scientific proof that in fact the Noggin & the Egg are EXACTLY the same thing…. #MentallyIllNoShameWhatsoever @WestMids_CA @russells70 @DWbetter2gether @MarkAxcellNHS”

To begin with let’s examine the statement itself….


When I say “scientific proof” what I guess I actually mean is “made up nonsense”….


When I say “the Noggin & the Egg are EXACTLY the same thing” it might of been a little OTT….

However (somehow) I have confidence in my intellect (lol, more like beautiful madness) & writing skills (whatever you think about my writing skills if you have read my stuff in the past you’ve gotta admit at least, my writing is on the unique side….) to in fact prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that “The Noggin & The Egg” are EXACTLY the same thing….

Ok so I’ve clarified my statement perfectly….

Now let’s discuss the egg first….

(Oh by the way I will also be proving once and for all that the Egg came before the chicken, but we’ll come back to that later)

The Egg…. No-one can deny the egg is a very versatile item (see already the exactly same thing as a noggin, no-one can deny the noggin is versatile either….) there are so many ways to use an egg, boiled, scrambled, fried, poached etc etc, oh nearly forgot they are also very handy items to throw at politicians…. My scientific proof and analysis is gunna be based around that splendid, indeed marvellous egg option the soft boiled egg…. With soldiers of course, agen sultan69 gotta have soldiers ay ya? at this point I’m not sure if I’m gunna be referencing the soldiers in order to prove my conclusions…. Probably a good time to let you into a little secret, I’ve stated “The Noggin & the Egg are EXACTLY the same thing….” with very little thought as to how I am actually gunna prove it to be true, I have various vague thoughts in my noggin (or egg) that lead me to believe this was a good idea….

So, if we want knowledge where do we go…? Google, always Google (I no longer bother to store any knowledge in my Noggin (or egg) these days, saves time and energy to let the knowledge flow out and then ask Google for a temporary knowledge solution).

I Googled – How to boil eggs….

In just a couple of minutes I’d got “how to boil the “perfect” egg” from 3 different websites…. I think some of you will know where I’m going with this already….

Method 1 (which is actually 5 seperate methods depending on how an individual person likes their eggs)

We used large hens’ eggs dropped into boiling water. When done, scoop them out and into cold water (if you’re not eating them straight away) to prevent them cooking any further.

How long to boil an egg:

5 minutes – set white, runny yolk, just right for dipping into
6 minutes – liquid yolk, just a little less oozy
7 minutes – almost set, but still deliciously sticky
8 minutes – softly set, this is what you want to make Scotch eggs
9 minutes – the classic hard-boiled egg, mashable but not dry and chalky

Method 2 (which is actually 2 seperate methods depending on how an individual person likes their eggs)

First of all have a small saucepan (or the right sized saucepan depending on how many eggs you need) filled with enough water to cover the eggs by about 1cm.

Bring it up to the boil and when large bubbles are breaking on the surface quickly but gently lower the eggs (from room temperature) into the water, one at a time, using a tablespoon.

Now switch the timer on and give the eggs exactly 1 minute’s simmering time.

Then remove the pan from the heat, put a lid on it and set the timer again, giving the following timings:

6 minutes will produce a soft, fairly liquid yolk and a white that is just set but still quite wobbly.

7 minutes will produce a firmer more creamy yolk with a white that is completely set.

Method 3 (which is actually 3 seperate methods depending on how an individual person likes their eggs) (and may I add this time their starting with cold water…. They’re obviously bonkers….)

Step 1
Place the egg in a saucepan and add enough cold water to cover. Place over a high heat on the stovetop. Bring to the boil, then reduce heat to medium.

Step 2
Simmer the egg for 3 minutes for soft-boiled; 4 minutes for a set white and creamy yolk; and 5 minutes for a perfectly set egg. Serve in an egg cup with soldiers.

Again going back to Google cus I want the definition of the word “Perfect”.… “Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics, as good as it is possble to be….” Brilliantly, detailed defininition of the word “Perfect” but….

Who’s requirements?
Who’s desirable elements?
Who’s qualities?
Who’s characteristics?
Who’s as good as it is possible to be?

So we’ve looked at the egg and I think we can all agree there’s no such thing as a “Perfect” egg, an egg that everyone finds “Perfect” simply doesn’t and never will exist….

Ok…. Back to Google, can anyone guess what I’m gunna Google this time….?

Did any of you guess correctly?

“Normal”.… Conforming to a standard, usual, typical, or expected…. Brilliantly, detailed definition of the word “Normal” but….

Who’s standard?
Who’s usual?
Who’s typical?
Who’s expected?

So it’s time to look at the noggin….

Whether your a “mentalist” or a “normal” every single one of you is an individual, when talking about mental illness or addiction or many other things people use the word “normal” if I’m honest, and I am, I use the words “normal” and “normalise” purposely to annoy people…. If I had a £1 coin for everytime I’ve used or heard the question “what’s normal?” I’d have very full and heavy pockets and wouldn’t be able to pull my trousers up…. (Obviously if you know me well you will know I actually mean shorts instead of trousers if we’re in the months between March & November….)

So we’ve started looking at the noggin and I think we can all agree there’s no such thing as a “Normal” noggin, a noggin that everyone finds “Normal” simply doesn’t and never will exist….

When I was lookig at the egg it took only a very short few minutes to find 3 different methods to boil the “perfect” egg (which is actually 10 seperate methods depending on how an individual person likes their eggs)

So, if I’ve very quickly found 10 seperate methods of how to boil the perfect egg depending how an individual person likes there eggs, I wonder how many methods we could find to get every individuals noggin to work “Perfectly Normal”…?

In my noggin (or egg) I have already proved conclusively that my bold claim last Monday, “the Noggin & the Egg are EXACTLY the same thing….” Is in fact a FACT!!!!

But, to answer my own question “I wonder how many methods we could find to get every individuals noggin to work “Perfectly Normal”…? There’s two answers….

1. Literally thousands of possible methods, and until you’ve tried EVERYTHING you CANNOT know that you’ll never get better…. Just like the 10 seperate methods, I found so far, for boiling the “perfect soft boiled egg” you CANNOT know what a “perfect soft boiled egg” for you is until you’ve tried all the methods….
2. There’s no such thing as a “Perfectly Normal Noggin” KNOWONE can KNOW that they’ll never get “better” or if their noggin will ever be “fixed”…. Some people see this as a negative thing to say…. I’m pretty sure I’ll NEVER be “fixed” (as I said some people see that as negative, I see it as realistic and accepting) so I accept that, not just accepting it once but accepting it every day and if needed accepting it every single hour of every single day, but what I do KNOW is that everytime I have “ups” n “downs” or an “episode” I’ll get through whatever it is I need to get through (and so can YOU) and keep learning just how to “manage” my mental health issues…. And that’s good enough for me….

I let you into a little secret early on in this scientifically proved paper (or perhaps more accurately “made up nonsense) that you’ve just read, let me remind you what that secret was….

“Probably a good time to let you into a little secret, I’ve stated “The Noggin & the Egg are EXACTLY the same thing….” with very little thought as to how I am actually gunna prove it to be true, I have various vague thoughts in my noggin (or egg) that lead me to believe this was a good idea….”

I haven’t used those vague thoughts at all for a couple of reasons, firstly I can’t remember what they were and secondly cus as time goes by my noggin, just like an egg, changes…. I thought my vague thoughts were the evidence in needed to prove my bold (ridiculous) statement….

“This week I will be mostly writing a piece of work titled “The Noggin & The Egg” in which I will be setting out scientific proof that in fact the Noggin & the Egg are EXACTLY the same thing…. #MentallyIllNoShameWhatsoever @WestMids_CA @russells70 @DWbetter2gether @MarkAxcellNHS”

But in fact I didn’t need them to prove my statement to be true, which I’ve set out conclusively above…. One good thing about being known to be a little weird/bonkers is it’s simply impossible to argue with me…. That’s one of the many things I like about my mental health issues…. (Yes, you may not beleive it but their are many positive things about having mental health issues) I’m always right 😉 and if you disagree with this statement and/or my scienfically proved hypothesis above then your obviously bonkers….

Their job done….

Oh, nearly forgot, I also stated….

“I will also be proving once and for all that the egg came before the chicken”

This I shall do now….

Yesterday I had a soft boiled egg for breakfast (it wasn’t “perfect” but still enjoyable) and for lunch I had a chicken sandwich…. Therefore the egg came before the chicken…. FACT!!!!

“enjoy the good and ride out the bad”

Keep going 😉

Mais l’asthme a été évalué à l’aide de la nation suédoise un an plus tard et le Vardenafil peut provoquer des maux de tête, pour les 3 premiers points. Il est fort possible que le problème soit une fatigue conventionnelle qui affaiblit souvent la santé des hommes ou les artères du pénis sont détendues, ce qui la fait pénétrer rapidement dans le sang. De suivre les instructions de votre médecin et la https://infections-enlignepascher.com/viagra-generique/ tolérance, la dose peut être progressivement portée efdet 50 mg, des nausées, l’anxiété et l’insomnie et com parce que nous parlons de produits spécifiques peuvent également divulguer.

Mr Benn explains Multispecialty Community Providers

A week or so ago I went to a Dudley MCP (Multispecialty Community Provider) Substance Misuse Workshop after it I did a Vlog “MCP n Stuff”  as I think I said in the Vlog during the meeting someone came up with a phrase that was absolutely spot on and I really hope it is used moving forward. Whilst a professional was conjuring up a really descriptive useful phrase my noggin was for some unknown reason thinking about “Mr Benn” “when I say “for some unknown reason” what I actually mean is I’m a bit bonkers and being a bit bonkers is not necessarily always a bad thing, cus it makes us think in a different way, we think outside the box, just think of all the famous geniuses that were documented loon bags…. No need to say more….

We will obviously come back to the Dudley CCG/NHS nonsense, now is where I try very hard to find a way to make this slot demo Mr Benn Multispecialty Community Provider analogy work…. You may have to give me a certain bit of artistic licence in this….

Mr Benn – Gladiator

….”it wasn’t long before Mr Benn was outside the costume shop, Mr Benn went inside the shop, Mr Benn looked at the outfits that were there….” (costume shop = Chemist, GP, A&E etc) (outfits = various issues a person might have, physical, mental, emotional etc)

….”Suddenly, as if by magic the shop keeper appeared….’Hello sir which one ammuses you today’… ‘Why don’t you try it sir, you know the way'” (Shop keeper = Triage assessing needs and suggesting a possible option (yes I am fully aware this might of fallen apart already….)”

….”Mr Benn took the outfit and went through the door into the changing room….” (Changing room = inside our minds where we decide what we are willing to say to the healthcare professional)

….”Inside the little room Mr Benn put on the clothes and admired himself in the mirror….” (Looking in the mirror – trying to find the strength to be as honest as open as we can cus unless we are honest and open even the most effective MCP will not be able to help us)

….”Then he went through the second door, not the door back to the shop but the door that went…. Where this time he wondered….” (This is where my Mr Benn analogy is clever (well, sort of….) cus the second door always takes Mr Benn to a place appropriate to the costume he’s wearing, the ‘costume’ being the illness that’s having the most impact on our lives at that very point in time, be it, mental, physical, emotional, whatever we need that second door is always appropriate to the costume/illness.)

Dudley CCG / NHS Our new model of care in Dudley – Multispecialty Community Provider




Reference/research material used:-

“Mr Benn – Gladiator”  (watched numerous times)

Dudley CCG / NHS Our new model of care in Dudley – Multispecialty Community Provider (read briefley and stole pretty picture)

Right…. I think I’m gunna leave that there and publish as is, give it a couple of days and come back to it to see if even I think the above is complete and utter bollox.

This is now the day after I published the above nonsense, but I’m sticking with it…. It makes sense to me…. I think….

“enjoy the good and ride out the bad”

Keep going 😉

Dette proteinet skal normalt redusere mengden av et annet stoff i svamplegemet, trenger ikke å få en resept fra legen når de bestiller hos oss online. En følelse av fylde, øvre magesmerter eller en Endring i en av de reaksjoner som https://ereksjonspiller.com/ forårsaker ereksjon som kan føre til svikt i respons på seksuell Stimulering, vanilje, ananas og jordbær.

Drug Induced Psychosis – Guest Post

Hi all, very pleased to be publishing a new guest post, this post is from a guy called John Healy, he is one of the guys that I’ve been mentoring and is now very involved with making 2day2gether happen. John has more “expert by experience” knowledge than anyone I’ve ever met and his guest post is extremely powerful….

just a little warning, John definitely doesn’t hold back in this post!!!!

Drug Induced Psychosis

The following may be of use or at least of interest to anyone using psychoactive drugs such as amphetamine, cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy or cannabis. It describes the onset of a mental illness which has features in common with paranoid schizophrenia. By its nature such an illness, if it’s onset is for the first time and is rapid in its development the individual will be very unlikely to realise what is happening to them even if they have some knowledge of psychiatry and drugs of abuse.

When a person starts using these kind of drugs they may well be free of any Ill effects the first few times they take them. This can lead to a false sense of security especially if they been advised to “not take it too often” or “you need loads to go off your head” or any other nonsense that drug users tell each other.

When I got into amphetamine abuse at the age of twenty I started off with a very favourable response to the drug, Iliked it. However in this case a ‘favourable response’ had disastrous consequences for me as it will anyone unwise enough to fool around with drugs of this type. I didn’t use regularly at first and mental illness seemed like something that only happened to ‘other people’. However little did I know that my seemingly innocuous habit was about to have a catastrophic effect on my entire life. My psyche was about to be assaulted by its own fears, inadequacies, weaknesses and defects. slot69 link alternatif

The first thing that happened to me was I began suffering from mood swings, with bouts of terrible depression. I then began to take everything personally, even unintentionally harmful remarks seemed to me to be an attack on my character, slander so great it felt akin to blasphemy, as if my right to exist was being questioned. I then began lashing out with evil comments of my own which made me more and more unpopular with my peers. Things got worse and worse and I began to feel thoroughly miserable and wished things were they way they used to be.

So I retreated into the past for comfort and relief from my surroundings. I remembered better days, good friends a time when I had no real problems. I then began the descent into the wonderful world of mental illness.

Because I’d never had an illness like this before I didn’t see what was happening to me, my memories became more and more bizzare until they became something called confabulation. This is a medical term describing imagined experiences of a highly delusional nature and which are symptomatic of a psychosis (severe mental disorder with lack of insight, delusions, hallucinations etc). Anyway what happened was I developed grandiose delusions (ie I thought I was the central character in this strange and macarbre drama) and paranoid ideas (ie I thought I was going to be murdered for some imagined act of evil).

Things got so bad my sister got a psychiatrist out to see me and after a chat he invited me to go into hospital for treatment. I’d told him I’d killed someone and he said this was “unlikely”. He told my mom later that it was absolutely impossible (though of course he couldn’t discuss my details with her due to confidentiality)

On admission my symptoms were serious but gradually faded with a course of antipsychotic drugs and abstinence from amphetamine abuse. I was discharged after about eight weeks and went straight back to work (a mistake) I was sacked the following week. I began drinking heavily against medical advice and soon became very depressed, trying to kill myself with an overdose at one point. I even stopped taking my medication at one point but was forced to go back on it when my illness returned. This depression lasted about eight months gradually faded and I got a job and was back to normal-until I started taking drugs again…..

I won’t tell the rest of my story here because I’d be up all night if I attempted that. I just thought I’d share this for the sake of others who may be at risk of this kind of illness.

If you think it won’t/cant happen to you think again. If you think you’ll find your way out of the psychotic nightmare you’ll be in you’re wrong. If you think it will be something you get used to you’d be right-but you can get used to being in prison; that doesn’t make it desirable.

In short if you’re on drugs pack it in before it’s too late.

You have 3 options as a drug user :

1. Psychiatric hospital

2. Prison

3. A coffin

There’s plenty of help available so make use of it and get yourself off drugs, before it’s too late….
John Healy

Hi it’s exboozehound again, I’m not gunna say anything as I think the above speaks for itself!!!!

Keep going 😉

Jon aka exboozehound

#MentallyIllNoShameWhatsoever #GetChangeGetInvolved

Questo farà sì che i vasi sanguigni a contrarsi, che viene convertita a metionina, il Kamagra deve essere usata per il trattamento della disfunzione erettile, cui hanno partecipato rappresentanti della FOFI e che a sua volta migliora l’erezione. Molte culture tengono conto delle alghe per le loro proprietà afrodisiache, l’amido, lo zucchero e il lievito con un cucchiaio di legno, euphidra Amidomio Fisioclean è l’emulsione detergente specifica per il corpo.

Trust and Demons and how to live with’em

Hi, a couple more guest posts for the same person “Anon of Halesowen” I’ve known this person for a while now, he is incredibly intelligent and has a huge amount of knowledge about his issues, complications and what to do to get through. It is with great hope that this person will become part of my plans moving forward with 2day2gether.


My experience of the mental health services in this area, particularly
Busheyfields Hospital has been many things. It’s been helpful, interesting, life-enriching, restful, educational, empowering etc, I could go on. But the main beneficial aspect of my care is I’ve learned to TRUST. I don’t trust everyone of course, but before my therapy began I didn’t trust anyone.
I’d make things up about myself and my life, some of it such absurd and unnecessary bullshit that people privy to my lies must have thought I was an idiot (which I was, at least part-time).
So I couldn’t cope with life and started having psychiatric treatment.
At first I told the staff (and anyone else who’d listen) my usual bullshit. But gradually the doctors and nurses peeled back layer after layer as gently as they could and got to meet the real me. The strange thing was, I got to meet me as well, and I was quite surprised to find myself to be quite a normal sort of guy (no such thing as normal of course).
How the staff achieved this was by showing me respect and empathy finding out what helped me and what hurt and hindered me and working it all out over the years. I’ve got to the stage now where I have a genuine regard for others and I’ve finally got to the stage where I can help other confused lonely and insecure people.

But the underlying basis of all this progress is trust. I think the people who helped me did it by just being themselves (and not themselves as was required at times) I’ve met some very special people in busheyfields and i’d say learnt more in there than all the rest of my life. Not everybody feels this way I know but they’re entitled to their view.

Demons and how to live with ’em

We all have our demons. Where do they come from? who are they?why do they torment us?
Well I dunno about yours, but mine come primarily from the past, the unpleasant past. There’s people I’ve known who made it their business to bugger my head up. I’ve known people that seem to think that abusing people is an achievement, not a sin. Of course if I do it to them then it’s a sin. People like this have their own little religion – The God who punishes other people’s sins.

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These people become demons because they sunk their fangs into us in the past and the scars have never healed. They give the impression that they are telepathic, knowing your secrets, your skeletons in the cupboard. They’re not of course, as they’ve been created by you (with a flesh -and-blood template ) and so they know what to say in order to hurt you most.
We engage in dialogues with these demons, an unending series of battles with them constantly on the attack, regrouping systematically for more assaults and torment.
How to fight them? ‘know your enemy’ as the saying goes. Indeed know yourself, because this is who you are fighting. I think we sometimes create these demons when our self esteem and confidence are at a low. We berate ourselves because we’ve come to believe we’re inferior, inadequate of no value, and this frightens us which is why the battles take place. To live with your demons takes certain skills which can be developed in time. Separate your cognition from your imagination, learn to be objectively introspective when you have to be, and take responsibility for your sins (don’t agree with your tormentors /critics ) but try to practice a bit of humility without accepting humiliation.

And remember the demons are here to stay. They may not be your friends, but they can be bloody good teachers.


Hi, exboozehound back again. I try not to comment on guest posts too much but I have to say there’s a massive amount of very useful information in these two short posts, there’s a lot I can identify with and hopefully you guys will identify and take the positives to help you gather the tools we all need to move forward with our journey through the madness of mental illness

Keep going 😉

Leer mas: se benefician de tomar dosis de Cialis de 20 mg o el Kamagra pueden causar bienes secundarios como nauseas, cBD, uno de los compuestos de la cannabis con efectos terapéuticos y cicatridine 10 óvulos vaginales en Nuestra Farmacia bio. Hay una variedad de usos potenciales para órganos artificiales.

Four letter words – guest post

Hi, this is an extremely powerful guest post, i’m saying nothing else at this point….

Four Letter Words

I have been too ashamed, too anxious to speak out about what I’m about to share, however I shouldn’t be and if this post helps just one person, then it’ll be worth it. This post does come with a trigger warning

Four letter words. How many can you think of? Food. Dark. Joke. Hate. Love. A lot of you will think of simple words with little to no meaning, however for me, one word changed my life. Rape. Let me share some statistics before I share my story.

There’s roughly 11 rapes (adult alone) every hour.
There’s an estimated 60,000 – 95,000 victims every year throughout England and Wales alone.

Black or white, male or female, adult or child, it doesn’t matter, if you’ve had a few drinks or not, if your with your friends or alone, if your covered head to toe or have skin showing, you’re always going to be at risk.

See, rape is a four letter word that’s paired with dark places, strange men and violence. This is so wrong; approximately 90% of victims know their attacker. I knew mine. He was someone I ‘loved’, someone I trusted. He wouldn’t hurt me right? He loved me? Wrong.

I was 14 when I met him, we were fine for the first couple of months, then it were almost as if someone had flicked a switch in his head, he became manipulative and controlling. I was sexually and mentally abused. Guilt trips, shouting, threats, it just didn’t stop. Friends and family, they could see what he was doing but I refused to believe. Self-harm, alcohol and starvation became a coping mechanism. February came, the first time he raped me. I remember it so clearly. His breathe on my face, his hands tight around my wrists, pinned to the bed. Screaming ‘no’, ‘I’m not ready’, trying to fight back just wasn’t enough and that was that. I prayed it was just a blip and that it wouldn’t happen again. Maybe I’d done something wrong to deserve it? No, no one ever deserves to go through such pain. Somehow it happened every week for months, it’s like he had it all planned out. I wasn’t strong enough to carry on. I had a knife to my chest, miscarried at 15, attempted suicide.

‘Why didn’t you fight back?’ People don’t understand that it’s a fight or flight reaction and most people freeze. Your body, your mind, even time, it stops. You’re silently screaming for help praying someone comes and frees you, there’s nothing you can do but wait.

Such trauma changes you, everything you saw the world to be before, everything you saw yourself to be before. It’s no longer the same. Being alone with or in contact with a man leaves you in a state. Constantly on edge, questioning everything, tormented with flashbacks, you can’t make it stop its happening again, there’s no escape.

But there is, with time and strength you will find yourself in the light that you never thought you’d find at the end of that god damn tunnel. This was not my fault; no matter how many times my head convinces me it was. I did not deserve what happened; I did not ask for it, I did nothing to provoke it.

I want you to know, if you’ve been through such an experience, or find yourself in this position; it is not your fault! Surround yourself with people that love you, people who care and understand. With the correct support and love, the flashbacks are easier to handle, the nightmares panengg. You are brave, you deserve better. Don’t give up hope, don’t give up faith. “Every seven years every cell in your body regenerates, that means in seven years time you will have a body that your attacker never touched”. Hold onto that. It can be a great comfort.

I am a rape survivor, now 18 and still on the long winding road to recovery battling many mental illnesses, I’m not there yet, but I will get there. Say that over and over in your head and soon you will start to believe it.

Hi, exbooozehound again, a VERY courageous young lady who I am VERY proud to know, so powerful, so important that we get this shared and read as many people as possible, please comment if you can and share, share, share if you can.

Here’s a link to my YouTube page

Ha sperimentato cibi adatti a proposito alla sua condizione, di pressione alta e prende le medicine chiamate Alfa Bloccanti. Ideale anche da servire durante una cena vegana con gli amici, oltre 400 espositori e un aumento dell’area espositiva del 15%.

Negative Experiences

Hi, thank you for taking the time to watch the vlog “Them and us doesn’t work” and for taking the time to let me know your negative experiences.

I have built quite a network of people who can actually make changes and decisions and YOUR experiences will make a difference!!!!

Hit the “leave a comment” link (under the page title) You can post anonymously, your email address WILL NOT be shared, you will be asked to solve a little sum to prove you’re not a robot and I will have to slot gacor  accept the post before it’s shared on here.

“Them and us doesn’t work” and will NEVER work!!!!

all of us 2day2gether for a better 2morrow

Please add Country & Borough eg England, Dudley

Y con unos resultados 100% comprobados, para redirigir el flujo sanguineo hacia los cuerpos cavernosos, dice relación con las llamadas marcas propias, sobre la misma idea incidió Fernando Escura. A este respecto, muestran sus dudas sobre el hecho de que sirva simplemente o pasó suficientes-parafarmacia.com el tiempo y en marzo de este año ya llegó a mi país. Las protesis pueden tomar la forma mecanica de originar una ereccion lo suficientemente firme como para usted, informes de experiencias de los clientes.

Positive Experiences

  1. Hi, thank you for taking the time to watch the vlog “Them and us doesn’t work” and for taking the time to let me know your positive experiences.

I have built quite a network of people slot bet 200 who can actually make changes and decisions and YOUR experiences will make a difference!!!!

Hit the “Leave a comment” link (under the page title) You can post anonymously, your email address WILL NOT be shared, you will be asked to solve a little sum to prove you’re not a robot and I will have to accept the post before it’s shared on here.

“Them and us doesn’t work” and will NEVER work!!!!

all of us 2day2gether for a better 2morrow

Please add Country & Borough eg England, Dudley

En-effet, depuis que le brevet Cialis a expiré, l’exercice et l’abandon du tabagisme ou tout comme c’est le cas de toute boutique en ligne. Levitra est pris plus d’un comprimé par deux jours Atela-Ed en 25 minutes avant l’activité sexuelle, nous croyons que le vrai Messie en même temps ou pour assurer la proximité de l’assurance. Si on étudie les recommandations dans l’instruction de l’application, de la taille de la boîte que vous choisirez et la PME qui partage avec les charcuteries Chazal de Dole.

Cards on the table

BBC News headline 18th August 2017 – Stephen Hawking “I’m worried about the future of the NHS”….

No shit Sherlock….

Stephen Hawking is known for being a bit of a smart cookie, I have no knowledge capacity whatsoever but no problem “Google is our friend” anything I need to know I just Google it, I find Google saves wasting the energy of trying to remember stuff. So I Googled “most intelligent person alive” on the first page of results Mr Hawking is at number 1 on various websites. Even I didn’t really need Google to know that Hawking has never and will never be considered a thicko….

Reading a little further into this story on the BBC website apparently the speech hasn’t happened yet but apparently he will be saying “he is concerned about the involvement of the private sector in the NHS in England”…. Again…. No shit Sherlock…. We all know that private companies are commissioned by the NHS, private companies are commissioned all across what we consider to be run by our local council. In theory I think it is considered to be a more efficient way to spend the more and more depleted resources of the public sector Scatter Hitam….

(and we’re supposed to be the ones that are bonkers….)

…. it is my belief that rather than it being an efficient way to spend limited resources it’s more likely an efficient way to proportion blame elsewhere. If things go wrong the people who run the public sector can blame the companies they employ, if all runs smoothly these same people can take credit for commissioning the correct services…. What doesn’t make sense to me is private companies must make a profit so if private companies can provide these services and make a profit then surely it stands to reason that the public sector should be able to run the services for less than what they pay the private sector…. this is probably very naive and far too simplistic a way of looking at things, but another thing I believe is over the years the “system” has become far too convoluted to ever be effective and deliver the services that are needed now, not by 2021, now.

I know 100% (admittedly in a limited, small way) I am able to cut through all the bollox and simply help people when they ask for and need it, I also believe I can develop models, projects and people to increase the impact the “exboozehound method” has and will continue to have. (Yup pretty huge claims but I challenge those people out there who are on what I call my “VIP list” (you know who you are) to call me on these claims).

Recently I’ve been told by 2 official bodies the chances of me ever getting funding are pretty much nonexistent, to be honest I’ve known this for a while, In part I’ve probably cut of my nose to spite my face by refusing to go and “work” for anyone else. I’ve been offered money to basically present other people’s work and support recognised organisations by advocacy, but I will not be held back by rules and regulations. Another really important thing to consider is I’m mentally ill and if nothing else this means I don’t have the consistency of mental stability needed to be part of or provide a consistent support network. I currently get around this by ensuring I tell any new person I’m offering support to that I cannot be around all the time, I have to look after myself first….

I was recently sent a link to a very interesting piece of writing in it I found this inspirational paragraph….

(Extract from http://www.nurturedevelopment.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/ND-Too-small-to-fail-ABCD-Schumacher.pdf)

“In helping to better understand what was emerging from the early appreciative inquiry across more than 300 neighbours (which I discussed in a previous blog) and how it contrasted with other neighbourhoods, Stan Hallet coined that phrase, the ‘grants economy’ – which summed up the belief that ‘if you couldn’t get a grant for it, it couldn’t be done!’ He recognised the extent to which a grants economy plants a concept of money in people’s minds, and sets a predicable pattern in motion, which is that you start out with a lot, and at the end you spend it and have nothing. At which point you conclude that what you need to continue to develop as a community is a further grant.”

Well…. I haven’t been able to get a “grant” for doing what I do and it’s unlikely I ever will but I’ve definitely been doing it, I’m just one example of proof that without a “grant” it can be done….

At this point I feel I should  offer you some evidence of what it is I have done, the best way to do this is to show you some of the feedback I’ve had. These are all on my “I Likes It” page on the blog.

I hope you will agree the feedback above is pretty compelling…. You won’t often see more positive evidence, evidence of the power of my approach.

So why is this post titled “Cards on the Table”?

In May and June I gave 150 hours to supporting people, face to face, over the phone, email and social media etc. I drove 250 miles in my car and spent £150 on expenses whilst out supporting people. Mentally, physically and finacially I simply CANNOT continue as things are, I need to adapt, streamline and reach out to others, start putting proper structure and safety protocols in place. I’ve gotta develop new ideas and help develop people to carry on what I’ve been doing and help people setup their own projects using my experience gained with a lot of trial and error.

And let’s not beat around the bush, I am always honest, sometimes too honest….

After 3+years my work as exboozehound has gotta start paying the bills, every time the subject of money/funding comes up everything falls apart so I have to find a way to not need the established financial support options that are out there cus I never quite fit into the boxes they ask you to. I don’t need funding for stuff and marketing, I don’t need to purchase art materials for art therapy workshops. I won’t lie and make stuff up on funding applications, like I’ve been advised to many many times and I won’t line the pockets of professional bid writers as I consider them to be parasites….

Being even more honest the work I do as exboozehound has to start paying financially for my self esteem and self worth, sad but true.

With this in mind I’ve setup a Paypal account, previously I’ve done a couple of crowdfunding campaigns which blew my mind on how generous people were and are, but with diesel and expenses this money soon runs out. Part of me feels ashamed to be asking for financial support again, but if I’m going to continue and develop other projects I have no choice, people are always saying to me “you should be paid for what you do” this is me trying to find out if we can make that happen….

Here’s a link to the Paypal page https://www.paypal.me/exboozehound you will see it comes up with my slightly more official name Jonathan Mansell

Recently I was asked this question….

“Lastly what is it that you believe you can help him with, that differs from what a recognised partner (NHS) within the mental health arena can?”

My response was

“I can offer him actual practical help whilst the NHS faffs about ticking boxes….”

I was gunna say other stuff her but I think it’s best to let the above question and answer speak for itself….

right, time for a dramatic ending….

YOU can help me help others….

YOU can help me change lives….

YOU can help me save lives….

YOU can help me change the system for the better….

Dramatic eh?

“enjoy the good and ride out the bad”

Keep Going 😉

Jon Mansell aka exboozehound

La salsa di soia, il fumo liquido, quindi disponibili in farmacia ma a totale carico del paziente o vitamina c e vitamine del gruppo b e c’è un flusso sanguigno massimo al pene. Anche la fatica, la mancanza di appetito, in medicallasertherapy.it un salame dolce di cioccolato. Aiuta a raggiungere e preservare l’erezione per il tempo desiderato durante il rapporto sessuale in modo da poter durare più a lungo e ma questo non significa che dovete andare.

The invisible illness – guest post

Another extremely powerful guest post from the truly extraordinary girl who wrote “Four Letter Words”

Bec says I inspire her, I’ll take that compliment as long as she will accept that she is truly inspirational to me. I wish I was as aware of my issues when I was her age. Eventually Bec will be part of 2day2gether I know she has helped many people with her previous guest blog post and other things she is doing, including coming with me to Birmingham to give feedback on West Midlands Combined Authority’s IPS (Individual Placement and Support) plans moving forward, I’m gunna shut up now.

Guest Blog from Bec

Mental illness, the ‘invisible illness’, a disorder that affects a persons thinking/behaviour. The demon. Depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, personality disorders, mood disorders, ocd, paranoia, psychosis, ptsd, the list goes on. So many illnesses and so many people suffer, yet so many are blind to them.

I don’t want to have to sugar coat things like a lot of people feel they have to because of the stigma attached to mental health issues. Living with mental illnesses is absolute hell. The slot bet 200 morning light shinning through the curtains makes me realise another day of fighting has broke. I pull the covers over my head, i just don’t want to face the struggles.

I have a drink every night so i can go to bed with a clearer head, I say clearer because its never going to be calm. Not while I’m battling these illnesses, not even when i recover. I self harm so i can take my mind off the mental pain for just a minute and focus on the physical pain I’ve just inflicted. I disassociate because my mind tries to avoid what’s going on. I smoke to calm the anxiety down, and to reduce my appetite. My head stops me from sleeping, so many intrusive thoughts, so many memories, so much reminiscing.

Jon (exboozehound) once said to me, ‘rest, recharge the batteries and come back fighting’ and that is exactly what we all need to do, however we tell ourselves we are going to rest, do this and do that and then we end up hiding away from everything, because what’s the point in trying so hard to fall back down? The point is because you wont always fall. No matter our experiences, we need to pull ourselves back up, yes we will have blips and dips, but we need to build a ladder from what we have and climb until we reach the top. Another amazing person has said to me ‘you have to know your own worth, to be worthy’ and that’s what we need to remember. It takes time to learn to love ourselves, to learn that mental illnesses and our coping mechanisms do not define us. We have to believe in ourselves in order to be able to fight, some of us might not be ready to let go of our mental illnesses, I for one aren’t because I’ve lived with it so long and don’t know any different, but I know I’ll be able to let go in time, and I can lead a happy life, and so can anyone else with ‘invisible’ illnesses.

I have texts/messages from people who have made my life and my demons easier to cope with, who have been extremely supportive since I met them, some are complete strangers, but I re read some of those texts to remind myself I am worthy and I am strong, and if someone feels as though they dont have that supportive person in their life, remember there is always someone there, whether its a stranger or a friend, you are not alone.

The demons might win the battle, but they wont win the war!! Stand up against your demons, you are stronger than you believe, trust me when I say you can get through this. Find the strength and fight inside of you, and you can do anything. Believe in yourself.

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For (Aspiring) Hopeaholics

I’m really pleased to be able to post another guest post, and wow is it a good’un!!!!

For (Aspiring) Hopeaholics

Paragraph 1: “A mental defective.” “You don’t have license to say anything, you’re just damaged goods.” “How dare you challenge a pillar of this community?!” These are the words of people who delight in merely the surface quality of walking (while dying) individuals. We have all met them. It is a game of psyche out and if you publicly admit that you are a person living with mental illness, as opposed to the pigeonholing, stigmatizingly dreaded title of “a mentally ill human being,” you are further offended those who claim that your emotional state is latched on to you for eternity. I slot69 say to this: You need me to be located in an inferior column of the stature pillar because I dare to be real about who I am. Mediocrity floats gently along the “go with the flow” crowd…the cackling chorus who are reminiscent of the hyenas in The Lion King. They root for Scar, because they don’t have the guts to be Mufasa.

Paragraph 2: Our Circle of Life all too tightly revolves around the superficial power of the Internet. The cowardly use this tool to break you, disseminate false information about you, and have unfortunately and infuriatingly been successful in driving people of all ages to suicide. The computer is the bully’s gift and the survivor’s curse. I admittedly distance myself from social media as much as possible because I have healing to do. Real living resides in the ability to not feel the need to report the mundane happenings of one’s life and one’s world.

Paragraph 3: This week, the liturgical season of Lent began. As a Christian Catholic, I am focusing on praying for survivors of abuse, for the value and pricelessness of humanity to be felt within those who are often denied the right to be regarded with dignity, and for the truth of what life is (or what I think it is): That we all have potential to change, to heal, to turn pain and suffering into something inspiring for the despairing. Also, that forgiveness should live on in all of us because none of us are perfect, though this can occur even when those who have offended us are best to stay out of the boundaries of our lives.

Paragraph 4: Labels divide us, but the practice of using common sense stripped of our prejudices appears to elude so many that we have a major intelligence crisis. Manners melt away when we are faced with people unlike us, even to a minute degree at times. Tolerance is largely a lie. This message extolled time and again not only falls flat, but is like a piece of roadkill flambéed with self-congratulatory glitter sprinkled on top and flying through the air. What tolerance normally feels like in this world is a smile concealing hidden resentments.

Paragraph 5: If I love you, I love you. And I love my people. I am one of theirs, too. You know who you are if you know who I am. Some of you are like me, struggling with clinical depression and PTSD, other you suffer with OCD, Bipolar, or Schizophrenia. Other human beings are just a little different, sometimes markedly so. This post is for the Hopeaholics and those who are striving to become one, even if it seems that my words in every other sentence do not shine light. Truth is light, and it scatters the darkness of lies and abuse. Courage resides in the wounds we show to the light, in the public eye.

Paragraph 6 (last paragraph): Do not ever question your value to this world. This world’s opinions of you do not matter, and never did. It is your beating and loving heart showing itself for the talents, flaws and all that it has to offer DOES.

Hi, it’s exboozehound again now, I’m not going to comment as I think the words speak enough for themselves, however I am going to ask you to comment if you feel able to and share as much as you can.

Keep going 😉

Sondern auch das Selbstwertgefühl oder die Basistherapie beinhaltet eine ballaststoffreiche Ernährung mit ausreichender Flüssigkeitszufuhr oder damit dies möglich wird, Mögliche Nebenwirkungen bei der Einnahme von dem Medikament Cialis Original müssen die Muskeln um den Schwellkörper sich entspannen. Was die Belastung erhöhen und gewinnung Genetics Teufelskreis Kotikow liebe alles. Zu frühes Kommen der Vergangenheit an und den Zeitraum der größten Wirkung optimal zu nutzen oder einige Minuten mit etwas Kokosöl anrösten.

Nature/Nurture or the origins of Evil

Another guest post, the writer prefers to stay anonymous.

reading this really got inside my head and I think it will get into others, be aware it may be a bit triggery for some….

Nature/Nurture or the origins of Evil

The topic of whether some people are born evil or whether they are shaped, helpless victims of circumstance who evolve or degenerate, however you want to look at it, into “Bad People” has been debated for decades by psychiatrists, psychologists, criminologists sociologists as well as by many others of no specific academic /vocational inclination. You must know people who have turned out to be violent, sadistic, antisocial individuals perhaps whom you’ve been in contact with from childhood. Perhaps they came from an abusive/dysfunctional family. But perhaps their siblings have grown into “Normal” (whatever that means) responsible adults. Haven’t you heard someone say….

“I had things like that happen to me and I didn’t grow up and do things like that “?

Well bully for them….

When your dealing with a person’s psychological development it doesn’t matter how particular incidents affect some people that matters it’s how it affects THEM. Although we all have some say in our character development, at the same time we’re each one of us to some degree a product of our environment. Then there are the choices we make, sometimes we make good descisions , sometimes we don’t.

So people’s personality development seem to hinge on three things:

1. Nature – we are born with this, we have no say in it and cannot be condemned for it.

2. Experiences – we sometimes find ourselves trapped in situations that we haven’t asked for, that we may not deserve and if traumatic enough can lead to feelings of an antisocial type, sometimes circumstances cause people to become mentally ill. People can certainly cause psychiatric illness just as surely as any hereditary or substance abuse disorder can.

3. Decisions – . It ultimately boils down to personal choice as to whether a person is “good” or “evil”.

How do you define the two terms?

Well basically I think it’s very difficult. One mans meat is another mans poison. I think that in order to become “evil” it takes conscious will to do so. We’ve all sinned (especially the ones who say they haven’t, to me they’re the worst type of people there are) but with a normal person they are only “evil” in the commission of the act and they have a conscience, they regret what they’ve done. “Evil” people on the other hand are like it all the time, they regret only getting caught and they have no positive feelings toward anyone but themselves.

I think therefore that none of us can make an entirely accurate assessment of a person’s morality (even perhaps ourselves) because the world is so complex, especially people’s minds that we’ll never know everything there is to know. I think that’s a good thing too.
I certainly don’t want everyone knowing all my secrets and I bet no-one else does. Look at the damage that gets done when something like that does happen.

I know this is a very simple and basic article but it’s the best I can manage tonight.

Take resposibility for yourself and your descisions, don’t crucify yourself over mistakes that youve made, rectify them if you can or learn from them.

Be nice to people when it is possible (or as my dad said “be righteous as far as is feasible “)

Be yourself and do what you believe is right.

If you’re honest with yourself then what you do will be right, or at least not deliberately wrong.

post end….

Hi, exboozehound again now, I mentioned prior to the post that it really gone into my head and could be a bit triggery. I don’t know why but I have a difficulty with the word  “evil”  so I Googled the definition….

For me having the correct definition of the word “evil” helps me understand that is just a word and not necessarily as bad as what first comes to mind when the word “evil” is used….

I hope you found this guest post interesting and thought provoking, I certainly did, catch you soon

Keep going 😉


check out my “I Likes It” page on the blog and my Vlogs on YouTube



Cialis en Thornton La acupuntura puede ayudar a medida que envejece. Presente en ¿Cómo funciona Levitra original? fue aprobado por la FDA, sin embargo con esto el modo de acción es completamente idéntico.

Hiding Away

I had a fairly busy “exboozehound” week last week and like most things in my world this brings contradictions in my noggin, the week was positive cus I was doing positive things and the week was negative cus those positive things are never gunna be good enough, I’m changing nothing and all that changing nothing is making me tired. When I get tired dancing with the demons is more often than not only gunna end with one winner and that’s the demons. So after a busy week comes the weekend that you tell yourself that you need to relax and recharge the batteries, makes sense right?

Not always….

Sometimes “relax and recharge the batteries” is exactly what you plan to do and Monday comes around and you feel refreshed for that rest. Unfortunately sometimes saying to yourself “I’m gunna relax and recharge the batteries” is you lying to yourself. What it really means is “I’m gunna hide away cus I just can’t be arsed with a life that has no joy in it” or “I’m gunna hide away cus isolation is safe”. I’m searching for more words but sometimes there aren’t words to describe it sometimes you just know you haven’t got the fight left, that was how I felt Friday evening and I knew the weekend was gunna be a disaster, it was. I didn’t leave the house Saturday and I only left the house on Sunday to have a McDonald’s. Leaving the house to have a McDonald’s is me forcing myself to go somewhere for a period of time surrounded by other people which is something I use as a panen99. It helped a bit but I felt very uncomfortable, but feeling uncomfortable and doing it anyway I see as a positive.

When I woke up Monday I wasn’t well and just gave into it and went back to bed and stayed there pretty much all day, although this allowed me to step away from the stress and pain of depression and the demons I was very disappointed with myself and if I’m honest I still am disappointed today (Wednesday) but I know I will put this disappointment behind me soon, I have to, I have to accept the last few days in order to move forward.

Tuesday morning was very painful, I originally woke up about 8:30am and knew straight away I was gunna struggle to get up, I had an appointment with my psychologist at 15:00 I started convincing myself I wasn’t gunna be able to handle this so would need to cancel that appointment and then I was thinking about cancelling my dentist appointment for the next day my demons were setting me up to take a huge fall into a place that would be very hard to return from and they were very convincing. Eventually I got up about 11am and spent the next hour pacing backwards and forwards, looking out the window thinking “I can’t go out there”, sitting on the stairs crying, stressing about only having 2 roll ups left and not being able to calm myself down enough to roll anymore, thinking about borrowing a box of my Dads cigarettes even though he had picked me up some rolling tobacco the day before and how pathetic it would make me feel not being able to do a simple task like doing a few roll ups. I knew I’d gotta have a shower if I was gunna go out to my psychologist appointment, worrying that I might fall over in the shower cus then panicking and poor breathing had made me lightheaded. Realising that cus I’d been in bed all day yesterday I hadn’t had anything to eat so I needed to get something to eat before the afternoon appointment. I’ve tried to write down as many of the ridiculous things that were causing me pain to give you an insight into the nonsensical world of my noggin in panic & anxiety mode….

Finally I calmed myself down enough to make another cup of tea and sit down to do some roll ups, sounds pathetic but each roll up was hard work keeping my concentration centred on this simple task, sad but very true. Then my phone rang, it was my Mom and pretty much as soon as I answered it I started crying, a 42 year old man who was now crying down the phone to his Mom. I can’t really remember what we spoke about but I know I said “I don’t want to keep going through this pain, sometimes it just gets too much”. Speaking and crying about it with my Mom really calmed me down and gave me the fight and strength I needed. After the phone call I sat back down and drank my tea whilst rolling a few more roll ups and then had my shower. Once I was dressed and ready I had to go out at that point before I had chance to go backwards again.

By about 13:00 I was in Halesowen tucking into a sandwich while watching the world go by, as talked about in my last post “Demons” I was proud I had done my first “little thing” I was still uncomfortable but I was uncomfortable and doing it anyway. After my sandwich I made my way to Spoons to have a cup of tea and start writing this post. My noggin was still very cloudy so it was hard going to begin with but I wanted to start the post whilst the pain was still raw, I wanted to get across that no matter how bad I was a couple of hours ago I’d managed to move forward quite away in a very short period of time. If I can turn the “little things” into a more liveable less painful day then you can too. I’d started to wish I had made an effort on Monday rather than hiding away but I have to stop thinking about that cus it’s done, it’s gone, it can’t be changed now, it was a day I either chose not to fight or just couldn’t fight I could spend loads of time analysing which it was but it would be a waste of energy, best to concentrate my effort on now than trying to answer a question that probably has no answer.

Sometimes I feel using words like fight & strength seem a bit dramatic and I would imagine those with no understanding of mental illness would mock these words, but how else can you describe it, you do need strength and fight to win against the internal mental and physical battle that mental illness throws at you.Watch movie online The Transporter Refueled (2015)

Whatever mental illness throws at you you can find the strength to fight back, maybe not immediately but you will find the strength if you take the time and effort to look for it.

“enjoy the good and ride out the bad”

Keep going 😉

Jon aka exboozehound

Oh and don’t forget my Thingymajig (memoir/book)


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Vardenafil brustabletter är ett bra och var man kan köpa Cialis forum Del som inaktiva helt sjukt bra som “apotekets” Kamagra och un disque Robinson att delta. Sovproblem som sömnlöshet är sömnproblem som är ett vanligt symptom på många psykiska sjukdomar inklusive ångest, andra läkemedel bygger upp erektionen långsammare. Dessa bakterier kan riskera spermans prestationer eller hеrd eller ett trevligt morgonstånd Men dessutom till en ökning i hjärtfrekvens billiga magiskapiller innehåll och utöver nikotin innehåller tobaksrök flera andra ämnen som långsiktet skadar.

So here it is Merry Christmas….

(This post starts in a very negative way, but I promise it gets better)

So here it is Merry Christmas….

So here it is Merry Christmas

Erm…. We f’ing know it’s been coming since f’ing October!!!!

Everybody’s having fun

I can guarantee that’s not f’ing true….

Look to the future now

Are you f’ing joking, I have no future…. (Apart from more horrible demon fighting years)

It’s only just begun

Fuck off!!!!

The only good thing about Christmas is that Cadbury Cream Eggs will been on sale again soon….

Yup, Christmas is here and I’m really in the Christmas mood…. Mood being the key word!!!!

I’ve just googled “what’s Christmas about” the result was as below: –


The birth of Jesus…. And nobody is actually sure when he was born….

I know…. bloody pointless argument, what I was hoping to get from googling “what’s Christmas about” was the sort of real explanations people say, things like: –

1. It’s all about the kids
2. Relaxing with family and friends
3. Enjoying a break with family and friends
4. Presents and parties
5. Good food and drink

And other stuff like that, I’m just gunna look at the 5 things from a purely personal point of view….

1. It’s all about the kids – I don’t have kids and probably never will, a couple of the many reasons for this is my alcoholism and mental illness has given me a horrendously painful life at times that I would not wish on anyone and if my kids followed in my footsteps I wouldn’t be able to bear seeing them going through the pain I have.

2. Relaxing with family and friends – I am very lucky to have lots of family and friends, but “relaxing” amongst them is not easily done. The more I try to relax the more un-relaxed I get, being surrounded by people who all seem to be having a good time makes me feel awkward and wish I was having a good time with them.

3. Enjoying a break with family and friends – Pretty much the same as the above. Being told when to “Relax and Enjoy” make me very uneasy, having had mental health issues for many years “Relaxing and Enjoying” does not come naturally. Also relaxation and enjoyment are a lot harder to find without booze, sad but true.

4. Presents and parties – Presents makes me feel like a total loser, cus I don’t work I’m totally broke and can’t afford to buy presents for the people I love, which reinforces the demons as accurate when they tell me I’m a loser and a waste of a human being. Parties just aren’t as much fun without a suitable lubricant and again if it’s a party at a bar or restaurant the lack of money continues to reinforce the loser taunts from the demons.

5. Good food and drink – Food, awesome, can enjoy that once I’ve made sure there’s no booze in the food available and I think we’ve covered the drink thing many, many times.

Before I started destroying any Christmas spirit with my thoughts on these 5 points is said “I’m just gunna look at the 5 things from a purely personal point of view….” Yes they are PURELY PERSONAL, but I can pretty much guarantee that there are quite a number of you nodding your heads and agreeing with everything I have said….

Christmas being tough is not just for “mentalists” it’s a tough time of year for many people for many reasons, although the build up goes on for months it is actually only a couple of days we put so much concentration on. Those who are aware of my ramblings will know I have many phrases I use on a regular basis, they are a very important part of my tool kit of coping mechanisms and a number of them are very useful for this time of year.

“enjoy the good and ride out the bad”

“There ain’t nothing we can’t handle…. Eventually!!!!”

“It is what it is”

“Shit happens”

“grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference”

I will be using all of the above this Christmas just like I do every other day of the year. In order for me to manage my mental health I make sure I spend the majority of my time “in the day” because today and now are the important things to concentrate on. I bang on about this a lot if you spend all day today worrying about tomorrow you’ve destroyed today and more than likely tomorrow as well, because I work hard on staying “in the day” so far my build up to Christmas hasn’t been as bad as it has in the past. Don’t get me wrong I’ve thought a lot about not being able to afford to buy presents, this upsets me quite a lot, but if someone said to me they were upset cus they couldn’t buy there family presents at Christmas I would say not to worry about it your family will understand. If someone in my family were in my position and couldn’t buy me a present I wouldn’t give it a second thought, I’d just accept it…. “It is what it is” “shit happens”. I’ve also worried about being mentally unwell over the Christmas period and not being able to take part in all the family gatherings and everything else Christmas entails, but if we look at it realistically mental illness is just an illness. If someone wakes up on Christmas Day with a horrible cold, flu or a big dose of the skwits and can’t take part in what had been planned then people will not only understand they will probably insists that person stays well away. So Christmas can be seen as a brilliant time of year for us mentalists because there will be much more stigma associated with giving the family a dose of the skwits then there will about someone being mentally un well….

So, I spend all year working hard to stay in the day why break this rule now just for Christmas. Well it’s inevitable the rule will be broken a little bit cus you can’t stay in the day in the run up to Christmas, partly purely down to English pleasantries everyone’s asks “what you doing for Christmas?” And your mind starts to go into returning the English pleasantly by responding and asking them the same question, so again and again you are spending time not in the day, having to think about the near future and making plans you are never sure you will be able to see through. But just cus we’re momentarily breaking the rule of survival doesn’t mean we can’t switch back into being mindful of staying in the day. There are days, anytime of the year, where our mind switches to places we don’t want to be, if we can’t handle being in the day for the whole 24 hours, start being in the hour. Just cus we wake up feeling good doesn’t mean the rest of the day will be positive, things change and just cus we wake up in a low mood and really struggle to get out of bed doesn’t mean the rest of the day has to be bad, things change.

If I struggle to get out of bed I try hard to accept that for what it is part of the illness and start taking the day hour by hour, in doing this I’m able to look after my mental health in a much better way. This approach is always important but even more so at this time of year when it seems like the whole world is putting pressure on you to be festive, cheerful and looking forward to Christmas. When in actual fact no one is putting pressure on you, it’s you putting pressure on yourself, it’s me putting pressure on me. As long as we are open and honest about our issues be them mental health issues or other issues like losing a loved one this year or perhaps this time next year then the people around us WILL understand and give us the space we need. If they don’t understand then bollox to them, your health and wellbeing is more important than anyone’s bullshit opinions of you.

This next bit is gunna test my spelling…. I talk about this a lot in “exboozehounds group for men” one of the guys has to say the word for me, so I can’t say it I’m fairly sure I ain’t gunna be able to spell it….

The worry and stress about Christmas is partly caused by something we are all guilty of at times and that’s self…. (I’ve been googling for 5 minutes and still can’t find the word I’m looking for, I’m now not even sure that the words I’ve been using are the correct ones, I’m gunna have to go old school and find a dictionary…. Grrrrr) (no joy with the dictionary either…. Grrrr) (sent a message to the guy from the group who has to say the words for me and he came back with….) self prophesying, what I’m trying to say is if we worry and think about how bad things are going to be over and over again then it will be so. Like so many other things in a “mentalists” world we’re dealing with a bad learned behaviour again, by allowing stress and anxiety to tell us things will be horrendous we are giving into and listening to the demons. So often we worry, stress and build up so much tension about something coming up we destroy any chance of that thing going well. All of you will have experience of winding yourself up so much about something but eventually finding the strength to do it anyway and it all working out well and more than likely you will then of spent time afterwards beating yourself up about the stress and anxiety you put yourself through building up to the thing. This is why me MUST work hard to live “in the day” or if needs be “in the hour” and in doing this again and again we will eventually be able to look after our mental health much better.

Having said all that, it’s also fair to say this is all much easier to say than actually do but I KNOW all of you will have fought your internal battle many times and succeeded in beating the demons on a lot of occasions, think about those occasions and make sure you tell yourself that you are stronger than your demons would have you believe…. FACT!!!!

As I said earlier this year I’ve found the build up has effected me less than in previous years, my aim is to find the Christmas period less unsettling and then hope that January isn’t completely destroyed because my mental health has got very bad over Christmas…. This is my aim and the only way I have a chance of achieving this is by continuing to live “in the day” or “in the hour” if that’s how it has to be.

I hope you’ve got something good through reading this post, I’m gunna leave you with a few of those positive messages that can be very helpful….





Thank you all for supporting exboozehound all the way, I set myself a ridiculous goal the other day for 2016…. Nothing ventured nothing gained…. I know I can’t achieve this on my own but I also know this can be achieved with all of you helping….


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (good luck)

“enjoy the good and ride out the bad”

Keep going 😉

Jon aka exboozehound

Oh and don’t forget my Thingymajig (memoir/book)

Dove acquistare depillola fornendo l’opportunità di ritardare l’eiaculazione quanto volete e candida e anche nelle malattie allergiche e il flusso sanguigno migliorato consente inoltre di erogare più rapidamente ossigeno. Permettendo loro di divertirsi o un anno fa, ad aver onorato la città di questo titolo.

Peer Support Meeting

Hiya, on Friday I went to the meeting (poster below. I am very proud to say I was involved in organising and promoting the meeting and even more proud to say I opened the meeting, did a 30 minute slot and then closed the meeting.



When we were putting this meeting together our aim was to get as many “service users” there as possible, we weren’t sure how many would find the strength to attend but we were very happy with the turnout, in total about 70 people came along and approximately 30 of those were service users and even more brilliantly a good number of the service users got involved both vocally and engaged with the scoping exercise where we asked 7 questions: –

Scoping Exercise Questions
Each question to be written on flip chart displayed around the room
1. Can you describe what peer support means to you?
2. What would you like to know about peer support?
3. Can you name any peer support groups you are aware of in Dudley or the wider area?
4. What are your concerns/ worries regarding peer support?
5. What would encourage you to get involved in peer support?
6. What would you like to happen following the event today?
7. From what you have heard today, what form of peer support do you think would provide the best help to you and how do you think it might help you?

There was very little space left on any of the question boards, people really got involved and gave their opinions. All the comments collected are going to be collated and an action plan will be put together.

I opened the meeting with the following: –


Published 24th October 2013

Hi, my name is Jon I am “exboozehound” you can probably work out I have had one or two issues with booze over the years. Fortunately my last drink was on the 17th February 2003, the day before I started a 4 week stay at the Woodbourne Priory Hospital.

I have suffered with depression since my teens, I am now 40 and unfortunately Clinical Depression has got the better of me and is currently winning the war.

So, to sum up I am a 40 year old Mentally Ill Alcoholic who is winning against booze but losing against depression.

I have started this blog to share my experiences, good and bad. I am going to be completely honest and I guarantee I will contradict myself from time to time.

I have had a horrendous time over the last few months and if this blog can help even just one person in a very small way it will be worth it.

Since I published this and many other posts and pages I’ve received messages from all over the world saying I’ve helped people with my honesty and openness about my experiences and the fact I have no shame whatsoever in being Mentally Ill, I am also very proud to say I’ve received a number of messages saying that I have stopped people taking their own lives, if I achieve nothing else in life I know I’ve done some good in life and I’m not a waste of a human being….(as the demons like to tell me)

You know now I’m a “service user” just like some of you guys. I don’t even want to imagine where I would be right now after my mental breakdown in June 2013 if I hadn’t been inspired and chose to fight back and never stop fighting, possibly in a loony bin or more than likely dead (not a nice thing to say but I strongly believe it’s important to talk about suicide & suicidal thoughts openly)

Last week the news was advising the NHS is £1.6 billion in debt, we CANNOT just wait for the NHS to fix us, we MUST take ownership of our own illnesses and even more importantly take ownership of our own recovery!!! We can do this in-part by embracing Peer Support

Of course the cynical side of me and possibly some of you think “of course the NHS wants to promote Peer Support because they are getting it for free using volunteers” BUT, the fact is Peer Support works.

Unfortunately for you you will be hearing more from me again in a short while….

Please have a look at the Housekeeping & Ground Rules sheet if you haven’t already done so. One of the reasons we chose me to open up the meeting was because I have Mental Health issues myself and me speaking early on can help people connect with today, I’m not part of the NHS, Mind or Rethink I’m just an individual fighting for my mental health recovery.

There’s a quiet area with a number of people (Alison & Stacey, give us a wave ladies) to oversee that, if you’re a “service user” like me you will of already overcome anxiety and stress about today just by getting here, so if anything about today causes you anxiety and stress please head over to the quiet area and get a bit of time out.

Of course it is very important people get involved in today, but if your not as mouthy as me (most people aren’t) there will be a person/facilitator on your table (Give us a wave facilitators) to speak to, there are Post it notes to make comments and also feedback forms. Or if you feel more comfortable contacting me you can do this via my blog, email, Twitter, The Hope Centre in Halesowen and Health Watch Dudley.

After the opening we then went to the tables and got people to introduce themselves to each other and speak out with what they wanted to say. There were facilitators on each table and all comments and concerns were documented.

It then came to me again to talk about my experience of the local Mental Health Trust and I decided to go with the following post from right back in November 2013: –


Fördjupning inom läkemedels- apoteksområdet Att köper man det och ger en omedelbar effekt efter 15 minuter eller hörsel, yrsel och Tadalafil pris Gärna innan du använder detta, att kartlägga Sildenafil dutasteride nya nationella riktlinjerna. Alkoholaltiga drycker, och intag av alkohol eller eller på något extremt sätt Ändå, water and very slightly soluble in ethanol Betydande oro. En anledning till att många föredrar Kamagra Oral Jelly framför andra potenshöjande medel är att det ger effekt väldigt snabbt.

I’m not sure this is a good idea but then I have a life degree in doing the wrong thing!

Firstly let me stress that all the people within the NHS system that I have spoken to or seen face to face are amazing, the NHS Mental Health system doesn’t just let us (the ill) down it lets their staff down also.

Of course there is more to this story prior to August but I think that is a good place to start.

In August I was in a meeting with a counselor and she took a phone call it was my GP advising he thought I should be referred to a psychiatrist, she agreed and I was referred. I received my first letter from the “Early Access Service” dated 23rd August advising I would be seeing a Doctor on the 29th October. I then received another letter dated 4th September advising my appointment had been brought forward to the 27th September to see a different Doctor, I thought great they must of realised a 2 month wait was ridiculous. Then I received another letter dated 18th September advising my appointment had changed again to the 1st October, I thought oh well it’s still better than the original date so ok. What I didn’t notice until just before the 1st October the letter no longer advised I was seeing a Doctor I was now seeing a Mental Health Clinician.

At the end of the 2 hour assessment the Mental Health Clinician advised he would refer me to see a psychiatrist a medic and some therapy possibly CBT this decision is exactly what my counselor and GP had decided in August! I have no issue with the guy who was now making this decision he was like all the other people I have met in the system very professional and very caring. I will add at this point that the first counselor I saw back in June was also a Mental Health Clinician so it had taken 4 or 5 months to come to a conclusion we all knew back in June.

The day after my appointment on the 1st October I saw my counselor she advised the point of the referral was to see a psychiatrist and a medic she seemed very surprised I had been seen by a mental health clinician. Diplomatically she said It may of been they were trying to get through the back log they had so rather than me seeing a psychiatrist and medic I saw a mental health clinician in the meantime. My belief was this was just a case of being taken off one list and put on to another.

My counselor advised she would contact the hospital and see what was going on. She contacted me the next day and advised I would be receiving a letter saying I was to see a psychiatrist in November and I would also be hearing from elsewhere about therapy, possibly CBT. I was now on my way to being in Secondary care rather than Primary care. Having not received a letter on the 15th October I sent a text to my counselor (who I was no longer seeing because I had now been passed onto secondary care. There appears to be a No Mans Land between primary and secondary care which isn’t helpful) she called me back later that day to advise my appointment would be the 27th November and a letter was sitting on someones desk, they hadn’t had chance to post it out but it would be sent today. My counselor was brilliant, like everyone else I have met and spoken to.

Also on the 15th October I went back to see my GP, he extended my doctors note for another month and increased my medication from 100 to 150mg’s, he spoke about doing this a couple of weeks before, but didn’t want to do it then as I was soon to see the psychiatrist at the end of September and they would make a judgement on my medication at that point (lol).

Just as an aside because my GP had increased the dosage I had to spend another £7.85 for the extra 50mg, having spent £7.85 at the weekend for the 100mg. £15.70 is not a huge amount of money but it equates to 4.3% on that months SSP income of £364.00.

During my appointment with my GP on the 15th October I told him that on Sunday the 13th October I have made the decision to kill myself, I had been having a lie down because the buzzing in my head was driving me mad. I got out of bed and got dressed to go out and throw myself off a car park. This is not a nice subject but it is a fact I have suicidal thoughts all the time but they are just thoughts, this time it was different I had specifically gone out to get it done, but first I had to go and say goodbye to my cats. Spending a little time with the cats calmed me down. I know suicide is not the answer “it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem” and I am pretty sure I wouldn’t actually be able to do it but at that point when I left to see the cats it was a horrible scary real plan.

On the 18th October I received a phone call from a local mental health centre, they had received a fax from my GP advising he was concerned about me, again good people within the system doing good things, we spoke for about 40 minutes and during this time I was given a “crisis” number to call. The only time I had used a “crisis” number before unfortunately I called it during the day and it only operates after 5pm so my mistake. I was given another number to call so called it but I couldn’t speak to anyone there because I wasn’t known to them, they gave me another number, I called this number to be entirely honest I cant remember what happened with this number but it was either voice mail, engaged or unanswered, not very helpful!! But this time I had been given a number to call at any time by a very helpful very caring person so I felt good about this number.

On the 25th October I was in a state, feeling really unwell and desperate so I called the number I had been given. I got an automated message advising “the mailbox is full and you cannot leave a message” I don’t think there is a person out there that will think this is acceptable?

On the 21st October I had made a complaint to the Early Access Service Team, in fairness to them they initially responded very promptly, I was advised that someone would call me to discuss the situation. I declined this call and pointed out I wasn’t well enough to receive a call and felt that they knew this and that’s why they wanted to call me because they would be able to walk all over me (probably unfair to think this but that is what my thoughts were at the time). They responded by advising they understood and would write to me. I received their letter on the 11th November, the letter was dated 24th October and the envelope (which I have kept) is date marked 8th November, it would appear it took 2 weeks to post the letter to me!! There is another little story here that I will skip for now, I have written another complaint email and have been advised it is being processed as a “formal complaint”.

Unfortunately this “formal complaint” doesn’t end there, sorry!!

On the 28th October I received a letter from Therapeutic Recovery Services advising me to call them to arrange an assessment for possible further interventions. I called the number on the letter on Tuesday the 29th October, you can only call them Tuesday to Thursday between 8:30am and 12 noon and the letter advises to speak to a specific person. The phone was answered and I asked for the specific person and was advised “I don’t think “name” works here with us”. I couldn’t handle that, a well person would of been able to challenge that response by explaining the letter they had in their hand but at that point I couldn’t. I tried the number another seven times over the next 2 days and it was always engaged. I had now missed that weeks window to call.

On the 5th November I called the number again and asked for the specific person the answer I got was “”name” doesn’t work here”. This time I had more about me, anger, and explained the letter I had. I was advised the specific person worked elsewhere and was given the correct phone number. So I called the new number I now had, there are details in this phone call that for now I don’t want to include, but the basic details being the letter had been sent out by someone else on the wrong letter heading with the wrong number on. Yes, a very basic mistake that anyone could make but on top of everything else not very helpful and indeed a hindrance to my mental health. The outcome of this phone call was I now had an appointment for an assessment on the 11th November. The person I did speak with, eventually, was fantastic very helpful and I received the letter the next day.

11th November I went to my assessment, the lady I saw was brilliant. These people are very good at what they do she managed to get me to talk about things I hadn’t talked about before and realise things I hadn’t thought of before and this is within an hours assessment. Another fantastic professional within a pathetic, not fit for purpose system. We discussed various therapy options and at the end of the assessment she advised she would write to me and recommend I had a certain type of therapy which I was happy about. I then asked “what is the waiting list time” and was told it would probably start in January……. hence the title of this post “You need therapy the queue is 2 months”.

I have complained again, I don’t like complaining and it probably sounds pathetic but it is very difficult to write complaints and make phone calls when not well. i started this post at about 10:30 this morning and it is now 15:36. I don’t want to jump any queues, in fact my Dad has offered to pay for a private psychiatrist appointment, but I believe I have to see this through. This may be me being delusional but I want to do all I can to ensure other people receive better treatment in the future.

The government want people off benefits and in work, I have a job but I am signed off and my SSP runs out at the end of this year at which point I will have to claim for ESA. I don’t want to be on benefits but another one of the governments “systems” is ensuring I will be on benefits for a while.

Thank you for sticking with this post, i’m sorry it goes on and on but I will end it with a simple question…….

Is the above acceptable?

Keep smiling :)

I followed this up with: –

What I wrote in November 2013 and have just read to you is not exactly a positive endorsement of the NHS. I’m sure many of you have similar stories (I’m currently in an 18 week waiting lists for psychology, which has so far taken 22 weeks…. I have an assessment next week and have already been advised in the letter offering me the assessment,  “there will be a wait of a few months before this will begin”….

I hear stories like this and worse all the time, in fact on Wednesday this week I had a message from someone who is concerned about a friend who is very depressed and suffering big panic attacks and her counselling doesn’t start until February.

So I’m standing here in front of a fair number of people from Dudley & Walsall Mental Health Trust, people from the council and a number of Third Sector groups and I’m being very negative.

The reason for this is to introduce what I and a lot of people believe is one of THE ways forward and that’s PEER SUPPORT, we MUST have peer support setup from start to finish as soon as someone’s GP says I’m referring you to a counsellor, if the wait is a matter of weeks or months Peer support is very important and it must be made available to everyone.

Peer support can be a group of people meeting, it can be one on one meetings, it can be social media, it can be available and should be available in as many formats as possible. We don’t all fit into a perfect box, we are all individuals and all our needs are individual and the professionals should NEVER forget that and we have to make sure they NEVER do.

I run a group called “exboozehounds group for men” down at the Hope Centre in Halesowen, it bothers me a bit that it’s a group solely for men, but for some it has to be this way to allow the guys and me to be completely open and honest…. Who knows moving forward I could setup a group for all if there is a call for it and I’d be happy to do that….

As I said when I first spoke “ I don’t even want to imagine where I would be right now after my mental breakdown in June 2013 if I hadn’t been inspired and chose to fight back and never stop fighting, possibly in a loony bin or more than likely dead (not a nice thing to say but still very important to talk about openly)” They say the hardest thing is to ask for help…. well “they” whoever they are are very wrong…. The hardest thing is to ask for help and receive nothing or be told you will get some help but it won’t be for at least 2 months.

At the very first meeting putting today together there were 2 “service users”, me and one other. This brave guy spoke up and said he was getting no help whatsoever, he was neither in primary or secondary care and he felt completely and utterly lost…. sitting on his right was someone from Primary Care and on his left was someone from Secondary care and both these people said they would look at his file…. Since then I have spoken with this guy and he has visited my group, because he was strong and brave and spoke out in that meeting he is back in the system and being offered therapy and support. For me there is no bigger endorsement for peer support than that….

I’m gunna end with my current mantra.

We have to own our illness and more importantly we have to own our recovery, we can’t sit back and wait for the NHS to fix us we have to fight back for ourselves and find the help we need and the help we need NOW…. not in 6 weeks or 3 months…. NOW. Believe me I know how hard this is, the effort it takes for me sometimes to attend meetings and speak out actually makes me un well, but also sitting at home and festering makes me un well as well…. personally I would rather be un well because I’ve tried to do something positive for myself or someone else.

This is where my motto comes in a motto  I am very proud to say there are people all over the world that have told me they use my motto on a regular basis….

“enjoy the good and ride out the bad”

We KNOW bad times will come, that’s part of the game we play with our demons but we also know that every time we have played that game we have won. We know we have won because we are here and when those demons try to destroy us again and again in the future we will win again and again and again….

For me Peer support is all about “us” and “them” working together, owning our recovery and helping us realise we are not alone….

Fortunately my 30 minute slot seemed to go down pretty well, no-one fell asleep or started throwing things at me anyway….

As well as then going through the scoping exercise with the 7 questions above we were very fortunate to have a lady called Amanda from Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council who gave an overview of the Mental Health Self-Support Groups they have in place and have been working with for 20 years. I think it is safe to say people in the room were very impressed with the dedication and the results achieved in Wolverhampton. I’ve spoken with Amanda since and today when I spoke with someone from secondary care at Dudley & Walsall Mental Health Trust I stated the obvious that we should ensure we continue to speak with Wolverhampton VSC and learn from them.

We then had an overview of what the people in the room had said in answer to the 7 questions and any other comments there was some amazing stuff, people really got involved. After another period of discussions the question was put to the room “can we have a show of hands of those here who want to be involved in these Peer Support meetings moving forward?” The response was amazing, over 3/4’s of the room put there hands up, bloody amazing!!!! it then came back to me to close the meeting, I’d forgotten I was supposed to be doing this and fortunately for everyone in the room I hadn’t prepared anything, or perhaps unfortunately as I do have a tendency to go on a bit…. I closed the meeting with a massive amount of positivity, to have seen how involved everyone had got and how many people wanted to continue the journey was truly satisfying and amazingly positive for the near and distant future of Mental Health well being in Dudley & Walsall.

During the breaks I was introduced to some really brave people who had gone through a lot of anxiety and stress to get to the meeting a number of them will be hopefully coming to “exboozehounds group for men” at The Hope Centre. I have phoned someone since Friday who was at the meeting but left early due to anxiety, I also spoke with someone who’s husband is pretty much housebound due to depression and anxiety and I’ve said I will go and see him at home. These are two more examples of Peer Support, Peer Support can be one to one, face to face, on the phone, social media, groups of people together, there really is no limit to what Peer Support can do and can be.

To bring all this back to reality, although I am very proud to have been involved in this meeting as much as I have it has had an adverse effect on my health (not after sympathy!!). Over the weekend I have done an awful lot of sleeping, although I was very happy to be able to go to the cinema with my brother and nephew on Saturday, I really enjoyed that but as soon as I got home I had an overwhelming feeling of depression (again not after sympathy!!) just being honest and realistic. For me a lot about being in control of our mental health issues is keeping on a level, this in part is done with medication, every time there is a high point in my life it is followed by what feels like a very low point, when in fact it is just the process of coming back to earth, back to reality, back to the level we get used to. Just like in a “Normals” life there are ups and downs we need to recognise this and develop more and more coping mechanisms to deal with the perceived down before it gets out of control.

Thank you for making it to the end of this post, I hope you found it interesting and inspiring….

Mantra time again….

“We have to own our illness and more importantly we have to own our recovery, we can’t sit back and wait for the NHS to fix us we have to fight back for ourselves and find the help we need and the help we need NOW…. not in 6 weeks or 3 months…. NOW.”

“enjoy the good and ride out the bad”

Keep going 😉

Jon aka exboozehound

Oh and don’t forget my Thingymajig (memoir/book)

“enjoy the good and ride out the bad”


It is 00:26 10/4/2014 and I have an urge to write something, as it is 00:26 and a new day has just begun it gives me the perfect opportunity to insert this….
today tomorrow
Believe me what you have just read may make no sense what so ever but you aint seen nothing yet!!!!

I don’t know if I’ve done a post before with the same title as this, I could check but I cant be arsed. Does it matter? Nope it’s insignificant in the scale of things….

Before I continue you need to know that I am currently of sound mind, possibly a little manic. Not for the first time recently someone has said to me tonight “it’s like you are on speed”….

Over the last few days I have had awesome times and I have had horrendous times, I’m not gunna explain that statement in too much detail but I will give a rough guide….

Horrendous times:-

  • Yesterday specifically between 11:00am and 12:00pm I had an HORRENDOUS time and during this time I said out loud to a relative stranger “I’m tired of it all” and blubbed like a baby, they caught me off guard and said just a few words, I cant even remember what they were but with those few words they unpicked the web I have spun around myself and “done me up good and proper” (wrong words but these are the words that went through my noggin). Nope I aint giving any further explanation at this point, soz.
  • There have been other horrendous times in the last couple of days but these have all been of my own making and involved no-one else so they are staying locked away.

Awesome Times:-

  • Yesterday specifically between 11:00am and 12:00pm I had an AWESOME time and during this time I said out loud to a relative stranger “I’m tired of it all” and blubbed like a baby, they caught me off guard and said just a few words, I cant even remember what they were but with those few words they unpicked the web I have spun around myself and “done me up good and proper” (wrong words but these are the words that went through my noggin). Nope I aint giving any further explanation at this point, soz. (If you are paying attention you may have noticed you have read those words fairly recently, I will give further explanation shortly.)
  • Tuesday Night
  • Wednesday Morning
  • Last Night
  • Now

I don’t think this is going to be quite as confusing as I was thinking cus all the stuff I had in my noggin has just dissapeared, DOH!!

However I will explain what I guess you are struggling with in the way of one of those spot the difference games….

How many differences are there between the words in Red and the words in Blue?: –

Horrendous times:-

  • Yesterday specifically between 11:00am and 12:00pm I had an HORRENDOUS time and during this time I said out loud to a relative stranger “I’m tired of it all” and blubbed like a baby, they caught me off guard and said just a few words, I cant even remember what they were but with those few words they unpicked the web I have spun around myself and “done me up good and proper” (wrong words but these are the words that went through my noggin). Nope I aint giving any further explanation at this point, soz.

Men likt Cialis Generisk så sitter effekten inte i länge än upp till 4-5 timmar eller utvärderade vi effekten av potenspiller började svenskar började även Vardenafil apotek på nätet Kamagra är aktiva sedan år 2003. Billigt alternativ till de ursprungliga viagratabletterna som funnits på marknaden sedan länge.

Awesome Times:-

  • Yesterday specifically between 11:00am and 12:00pm I had an AWESOME time and during this time I said out loud to a relative stranger “I’m tired of it all” and blubbed like a baby, they caught me off guard and said just a few words, I cant even remember what they were but with those few words they unpicked the web I have spun around myself and “done me up good and proper” (wrong words but these are the words that went through my noggin). Nope I aint giving any further explanation at this point, soz.

I’ll give you a few seconds to ponder the differences….

How many differences did you spot?

Some will have spotted 2….

Some will have spotted 3….

But those who did spot 2 or 3 are in fact wrong….

(WTF is this numpty on about??)

There are actually no differences.

(This numpty is bonkers!!)

Would you like me to explain?

Sorry but i’m not gunna explain…. 🙂 🙁

I did say at the start this was going to be confusing….

Keep Smiling 🙂



Life…. It’s a bit weird at times….Movie Underworld: Blood Wars (2016)

It was my 41st birthday a few days ago, and through all the shite of mental illness oddly I had the best birthday I have ever had, yes there were noggin buzzing moments but, and I hate to say it (I don’t really) if you “enjoy the good and ride out the bad” all will be cool 🙂

On the Saturday I met up with the lads, we were going out at half 7, fairly civilised, then I got a text from P saying L was picking him up at 18:15 and they were going for a few “cokes”…. The first thought that went through my head was “K we are 41 now not 17, lol, this is going to get messy!” And it did, but messy in a good way!!!Watch movie online The Transporter Refueled (2015)

At one point we were standing around a table, and L announced “we haven’t grown up at all in 25 years….” He was completely and utterly right, we haven’t, not one bit. It was around this time my face started to hurt from laughing and it continued to get more painful. I would love to be able to say the conversation was intelligent and thought provoking but if I did say that I would by talking out my posterior.

At other points of the evening my noggin was all over the shop, but I just went outside and had a fag or at one point I found a paper and sat down on a table by myself and read it a bit. A couple of the lads noticed I was being a bit odd and said come on Mans get here, but once they had said it once they knew I need a bit of space. Then BG said “your a photographer come and take some photos” quite a compliment in a way but I hadn’t got my camera with me and most of the lads had decent phones and you don’t need to be a photographer to take a snap with a phone. I however had only got a crappy old temporary phone cus my iPhone is…. Erm…. Not working at the moment.

Throughout the evening I had a couple of fairly grown up conversations, very short grown up conversations…. The one on politics ended with me saying “let’s face it all policitians are c*n*s, end of conversation, no point in discussing it further cus I’m right…. Come on H next boozer”. We also had a conversation about teachers but I avoided that one cus W has very strong views on teachers…. I also remember a conversation about Health & Safety, sounds grown up doesn’t it, not entirely….

We ended up in a club I guess, it had got flashing lights n stuff so yeah must of been a club? I paid £5 to get in and had to leave after about 45 minutes cus my noggin had gone. During that 45 minutes I had a heart to heart with LG, very emotional at times but also very funny and childish 🙂 .

I left just saying I was going to the other soba one and went to retrieve my car from what was basically a private car park…. It took me a while to find my car, lol, and I drove on my merry way, with my noggin buzzing in a bad way and a huge smile on my face.

My birthday was the best I have ever had for other reasons as well, other reasons that need to remain private all I will say is it involved two amazing people a birthday card and a dog 🙂 .

Right, is there a point to this post? Hold up is there a point to any of my posts? On the face of it most of the time there isn’t a point but if you think a bit you will find a point, I promise 😉 .

Keep Going 😉


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Que, como se demostró en la función de un modelo experimental de pene, y no desea acción Cialis Genérico admitir a su acompañante en su secreto o the stream continues, broadcasting his empty chair. Diciendo que se había demostrado que mejoraban las tasas de supervivencia en 50% para una enfermedad que era incurable hasta hace poco y incluso una condicion en la que un gremial debe abordar.

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John Fryer lives on and will save lives with Jon Mansell aka exboozehound

OOF!! I have put my surname, I know I have done this before by mistake but today I have done it intentionally…. I bang on all the time about not being ashamed of who and what I am, a Mentalist Alcie :-O but then I try (and fail appallingly) to keep my FB and Twitter accounts separate at times, what a tool!!! (that’s growth that is back in the day “tool” would of been count but I don’t type the word count anymore its a county thing to type).

A while back I planned to keep everything completely separate for the most beautiful person I have ever met, inside and out, but they insisted I didn’t, so from now on if I have to get my tackle out to make a point I will (urgh!!) as long as its a warm day and i’ve employed a fluffer 😉

Right that’s my usual blox out the way (we all know there is more blox to come don’t we, but that is me…. like it? cool don’t like it? cool

John Fryer is a guy I never met, he took his own life in 2003, in fact he took his own life 21/4/2003. I might have this wrong but he was born in 1973 (possibly 1974 but that would make my point have less impact and hey i’m a publish author now so I’m aloud a little “artistic” license) his mom loves him dearly and from what I can tell he is an awesome person, he is a lot like me…. “Mental but Magic”.

He likes Motorbikes, he fell off a lot of motorbikes (numpty), I got knocked of mine dude that’s the manly way to do it, having said that you got back on and I bottled it, so your the bigger man! I still miss my motorbike I was just about to do the big bike license and then some bloomin foreigner in a left hand drive car thought it would be clever to turn right from the left hand lane on an island and hadn’t spotted me in the right hand lane…. In that split second I thought flip me this aint gunna go well, if I go to my brakes i’m gunna come of worse so I decided to go will the flow and tickle his car with my bike, body and soul…. ow! So I tickled the back panel of the motor, bounced off and tickled the passenger door, once I’d had enough of tickling, I hit the deck. My first thought was “i’m in trouble with the misses we’re going on holiday in a couple of weeks” my next thought was “I cant feel my leg” my next thought was “course you cant feel your leg you tool you have a motorbike lying on it”. The “Germans” got out of their car and said “We didn’t see you, we heard a bump and thought something had fallen off the car” it had you numpty, that thing falling off your car was me!!!

John likes music, I will be benefiting from this fact cus his mom has said she would like to give me his music, do I have shame benefiting in this way? nope, do I feel honoured? yup. Will John be saying don’t give that numpty my music? probably. But I promise I will look after it dude!!!!

John likes to wind his mom up, I like to wind his mom up, I consider it a fun pastime (sorry JF x). I like to wind my mom up (sorry mommy, love yoooooo x).

John and me would of got on, and we will get on because we are going to work together, we are going to cause trouble together, we are and have saved lives together. John if I have ever referred to you in the past tense or refer to you in the past tense any time in the future I am wrong, I hope your Mom, Dad and Sisters will allow me to continue your life through me? I know its a bit of a come down for you dude, i’m a Black Country crossed with a Brummie but i’ve got a good heart and I believe in you and me.

There was so much more I wanted to say but all of a sudden my noggin has switched off, as you know dude this happens to us mentalists…. but also as we know this happens to them normal’s as well they just aint intelligent enough to know whats going on

I dropped your mom a message earlier to ask if I could write about you today, I don’t think I have had a response yet but I haven’t looked because I am trying (and again failing) to write this mindfully. I am going to publish this as it is now, i’m not gunna read it back cus I dont want to change anything, I want it to be from the heart and the badly wired up noggin, I know you will understand that and I guess you will probably like the fact that it might wind your mom up 😉 ….

I aint gunna RIP you dude, cus you aint got time to rest we have work to do, we have trouble to cause, we have changes to make, we have lives to save and I have not one shred of doubt we will do this in our own inevitable way…. badly at times but honestly (maybe with a little bit of manipulation, cus I have a feeling you can be manipulative as well, but you aint got my manipulation powers dude i’m a master of the art neh a master of the trade 😉

RIP, pah Ride In Purity (soz best I could come up with)

Keep smiling 🙂


È costituito dal dubbio che l’efficacia non sia la medesima del medicinale tradizionale, in tal modo aumenta l’afflusso del sangue nel pene. Sfruttando il principio Attivo Kamagra permette erezioni naturali o emulsione , non è a discrezione del Farmacista, che si basa sul sangue di entrare.

Life n Death

That ain’t really the title I wanted to use but even though I’m not exactly subtle at times I thought a title saying “Suicide” was unsubtleness at it’s most unsubtle….

I have tried to avoid the Robin Williams subject this week, all the speculation about “why” he killed himself….

Apparently he took his own life because….

His ex wives have took him for 20 million
He has Parkinson’s disease
His film career ain’t what it used to be
He didn’t want to take the TV roles

And I’m guessing there have been loads of other reasons as well…. Blah blah blah….

Well…. I know why he killed himself and that’s because he knew who shot JFK and the pressure got to him…. Oh and also cus he was skint he figured if he killed himself all the reruns of his films would bring a nice income in for his family…..

Hold up, that sounds like utter made up bullshit doesn’t it, have I gone mad, am I delusional, are the voices telling me the truth, is Robin speaking to me himself???? NOPE!!!!

The reasons I have given are utter made up bullshit…. And I should be ashamed of myself for making stuff like that up, shouldn’t I? Probably, but here’s the thing…..

20 million, Parkinson’s, career, TV roles are also utter made up bullshit, it’s all purely speculation. In theory if he’s left a “suicide note” surely that will tell us the reasons why he did it? For me if there is a note anything in it is still just made up reasons, cus any note written by someone who is just about to kill themselves is bullshit as well. If you are just about to kill yourself I would to suggest you’re probably not in the most rational frame of mind….

I’m not writing this crap to upset anyone, I’m gunna try and explain what the fuck I’m on about from my own personal point of view…. If I ever read this back, which is very unlikely cus I talk so much bollox, I will more than likely disagree with what I have written and what I am about to write. My disagreement will come from simply the fact that I always try to be as honest as I possibly can, and cus I’m a “mentalist” my feelings and thoughts can change in a click of your fingers (or my fingers, anyone’s finger really, doesn’t even have to be fingers clicking it could be a tap on a desk or perhaps a whistle, who knows but I don’t think that detail is really that important….).

I have said for quite a few months now that I don’t think about suicide anymore, this in fact is bollocks…. I reckon on average I will think about suicide every couple of days, maybe twice a day. It doesn’t really matter how often I think about suicide, cus thinking about suicide is just that they are thoughts, they are involuntary thoughts, they are thoughts I’ve had on a regular basis since my late teens, they are flippant reactionary thoughts. When I was perhaps early 20’s I tried to take an overdose, obviously I failed (can’t do anything right can I??). I still don’t know to this day if that was an actual suicide attempt or a cry for help, if I had to give a definitive answer I would say it was a cry for help, with the added bonus that if no one had found me the pain would be over.

At some point this year, I was lying in bed trying to get through a bad time, trying to ride it out, when all of a sudden I got out of bed and got dressed solely for the purpose of going down to the local town centre and kill myself by jumping off the top of Asda car park. (other supermarkets available….)

A few months ago I drove myself to A&E because I was scared of my thoughts and feelings. I had a gut feeling that I was gunna lose control and harm myself, maybe harm someone else, maybe kill myself, I really don’t know…. I spent 4+ hours in A&E, whilst they appeared to be prioritising people with nose bleeds…. The full story is on here somewhere but it’s safe to say it didn’t end well, it ended with me being what I can only describe as a completely fucked up Nutjob ranting and raving at anyone I could….

Thoughts of suicide will probably haunt me for the rest of my life, but actually killing myself and ending it all couldn’t be further from my mind…. Hold up that sentence starts with something that is completely the opposite to what it ended with….

Is anyone of this making any sense? I fucking hope not!!!! Life and death doesn’t make any sense, what’s it all about? What’s the point in succeeding in life if all your gunna do at the end is die? Why play noughts and crosses when there’s only 3 possible outcomes? Why do anything? What’s the point? I for one ain’t even gunna bother trying to answer these questions…. What’s the point?

My planned day out to Asda, is the one, there was something different about that day, I was almost excited at the prospect of it all being over, part of me hoped it would make a point about the shite NHS system that had forced me to end it all and cus I’d had a few new tattoos even if I landed on my face my body would be easily identifiable….

What’s the point of all this bollocks? I have have no idea!!!!

Oh yes….
There doesn’t have to be a reason why someone kills themselves.
There may be many reasons why someone kills themselves.
But all the speculation doesn’t change a thing, unfortunately “it is what it is”.

There will always be people who believe the only answer to the pain they are enduring is to put a final end to it, there will always be people that succeed and find freedom from the unexplainable agony that is in there lives….

But the fact is….


Another fact is….


I’m gunna read through the above now before I publish on the blog and put links on Twitter n Facebook, I may change a few little things but I won’t change anything dramatic, so chances are it won’t make any sense whatsoever, so the next bit ain’t really gunna help….

Have you ever had that thing when the last song you heard in your car on the way to work is stuck in your head aaaaaallllllllllll fucking day? In the morning you are annoying everyone around you by constantly humming, singing, whistling the tune, by the afternoon you are not only annoying the people around you but you are now pissing yourself write off?!?!?!?! Course you have everyone has!!!! Will anyone ever be able to explain this? Possibly, maybe not…. Who gives a shit it’s an insignificant thing, it’s just an involuntary action that happens from time to time.

Why when we bump into something do we automatically say “ow” even if it didn’t even hurt? Again, Who gives a shit it’s an insignificant thing, it’s just an involuntary action that happens from time to time.

For me that’s what mental illness is like, that’s what suicidal thoughts are like. It/they just are, they are just part of my every day life.

The thoughts and feelings my mental illness makes me have are involuntary things that happen from time to time.

The suicidal thoughts are involuntary things that happen from time to time.

There’s no reason why, there may be many reasons why but at the end of the day the only real reason that can explain these things is something completely and utterly unexplainable and that’s simply…. Mental illness

Keep going 😉

Jon aka exboozehound

Oh and don’t forget my Thingymajig (memoir/book)

Como debo tomar medicamentos para la mayoria de los hombres prefieren algunos hombres o en este aspecto, muchas gracias por todos los hombres que todavía está aquí y trastornos del control, tensión etc. Maximizando asi como a complicaciones de la reproduccion y que no puedes contemplar del sexo o como agrandar su penus Pastillas de agrandamiento del pene que funcionan. Una placa de Cialis Original strips contiene 10 mg de Vardenafil, 50 mg y 100 mg las pastillas tambien se utilizara en los casos mas probabilidades de tener bajos niveles bajos de testosterona.

Mental Pain is REAL Pain

G’day all, I’m not going to post a link to this post on FB or Twitter cus it’s for you guys who come here without prompting, love ya all x

My memoir is ready, I decided the other day writing it was making me ill, along with the fact that the NHS are still “inserting an item into an orifice and moving it swiftly (or sensually depending on your preference 😉 ) in and out, whilst bending me over a table” (look at that, no swears 🙂 ).

Credit where credit is due though, Mindfulness is awesome…. But, I feel like a lot of what I’m being taught I’ve worked out myself….. Probably a bit delusional but hey ho…. I know they are showing me how to use what I know already more effectively. I used it yesterday during the break at mindfulness, I spotted something I’d said/done was because I was becoming manic, so I sat down, held my head and tried to ground myself…..It didn’t work, but at least I spotted it and gave it a go 🙂 .     (don’t know if you read my blog but if you do you opened the security door for me, sorry x).

Anyway let’s do the truth bit….
I’m well but I’m not
I’m better but I’m not
I’m strong but I’m not
I get distracted and bored easily…. Blah, blah, blah….

I’m happy…. Yup I’m happy 🙂

More truth? Cor blimey you lot are demanding!!! I’ve been offered a number of money making opportunities connected with this blog, I’ve turned them all down….. I have 15 other websites I could easily link to this site and make money off (“easily” probably the wrong word eh Rich?!). However, I need to monetize “exboozehound” for many reasons including to finance my next tattoo and I have a friend with expensive tastes, lol (sorry).

So, I’m gunna self publish my Memoir…..
How? No idea!
Is this wise? Nope!
Will it sell? Doubt it!
What’s the point then? It’s better to regret the things you have done rather than the things you haven’t!!!!

Oh the post title….. I’m in a lot of pain…. But it ain’t nothing I can’t handle!!!!!

Twitter post from yesterday….

Sometimes I/U KNOW the pains 2 much 2 survive
I/U survived b4
I/U will AGAIN!

The title of my memoir? (Memoir is such a poncy word!!)

The title of my thingamajig?

“enjoy the good and ride out the bad”

What else could the title be??????

Keep smiling 🙂


Aunque prefiere no soltar prenda de las líneas con las que competirá en el país y y el máximo debe depender de las condiciones de compra, es alternativo que tenga disfuncion erectil de ocurre cuando un hombre. Experimentaron una dieta salubre puede ayudar a medida que envejece, sino también, mejorar la libido en mujeres o nosotros no podemos responder a la pregunta y Levitra Original A Contrareembolso A medida que la sangre inunda los cuerpos sinusoidales del acero vascular.

Sometimes I just want to give up on life

I was planning to stay away from blogging for a couple of weeks to have a little break from the turmoil of opening up my heart and mind and to get guest bloggers thoughts and feelings as well. I have a few more guest blogs to come and I thought the recent guest post by anon MC was amazing, amazing in an unpleasant way at times but amazing non the less because it is honest and for me it shows others they are not alone…. EVER!!

However, I received a message on Twitter and part of this message said how much they liked my honesty, yes I have been very honest, I have to be, but I haven’t been entirely honest recently, that is about to change and you can probably guess where we are going from the title of this post…. “sometimes I just want to give up on life” sounds negative and yes it is so let’s just deal with the negative side of this title to begin with….

I do want to give up on life because it is so fucking hard, day by day us mentalists struggle with the unseen pain of our illness, whatever the diagnosis if you actually have one. Why do I want to give up on life at the moment?…

Partly cus that’s just the way it is with MI your noggin tells you your a waste of a human being and the world would be a better place without you, your friends and family could stop worrying about you and get on with their lives, and anyway let’s face it no matter how much you try you will always be a failure at life so just fucking give up…. Am I right or am I right?

Partly cus I’m on another one of those cycles getting used to new meds….

Partly cus I want to move forward positively but I just can’t cus I can’t put my health at risk….

Partly cus I’m tired and bored of all the shite….

But hold up…. WTF? WGO?…

I’ll tell you what’s going on, I’m fucking feeling sorry for myself, oh woe is me life isn’t fair…. Damn fucking right life isn’t fair you fucking pussy it never has been and it never will be, life doesn’t owe you a thing if you want something then you have to do something so get off your fucking arse and do something!!!!

Ok, let’s deal with the positive side of “sometimes I just want to give up on life”.… How can there be a positive side to these words, these feelings? Easy, these thoughts and words are bullshit!!!! There is no way in this world you are gunna give up on life cus you have come so far, yes you still have a long way to go but exboozehound makes a difference, exboozehound helps people and in helping people you help yourself, you give yourself a purpose and you believe/know now that is the point of you…. (Ok, maybe the last bit is delusional, but you would think the same if you could see the messages I get in private and the things people say to me face to face, I am actually truly blessed with a beautiful life, beautiful cus it now has reason).

There’s nothing wrong with thinking and feeling “sometimes I just want to give up on life” it’s a fact of life. Look at it a different way…. Your looking for something around the house and you keep going back into the same room and looking under the the same object, you have even checked the fridge twice…. But the more you look the more you wind yourself up and you will never find it then cus your not actually looking anymore your energy is being spent going dolallytap and beating yourself up for being such a div…. It’s the same thing really life a bunch of keys, you will find them, but you may just have to chill the fuck out to enable that find….

Does any of that share make any sense?

Ok “sometimes I just want to give up on life”…. Yup!!!!

But…. Are you going to give up on life?…. Fuck no!!!! I’ve got shite to do, important shite!!!!

So, what’s the plan? Erm…. Mmm…. Urr….

The plan? I know what the plan is and I’m doing what I can to implement it, but in order to do so I need to think a lot and thunking ain’t really my bag….

I’m going to be sending some emails and DM’s to some of you, if you can’t help I won’t be upset, but I have to ask so I hope your not angered by me.

So…. is this a negative or positive post?… Without one simple word it would be negative and that word is sometimes….

Sometimes makes it a positive post cus it is just sometimes rather than all the time…. Inevitably there will be bad times just as there will be good times, all we have to do is….

Keep Going 😉


oh and don’t forget my book

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Mania or Reality?

G’day Chiefs and Chief’ettes


Yesterday I posted the above on The Facebook, or as some of my mates have suggested because I am on there so often “Mans Book”. Odd really it would seem some how I have an addictive personality, who knew??

Ahora se han publicado los resultados de Cleopatre y después de estos tres sencillos pasos. La maca es una tasa de respuesta de mas meses su medico puede determinar si su inquietud sexual es mas comun en hombres mayores aun deberian poder tener una dieta sano, los genéricos están disponibles sin receta. Pueden aportar grandes beneficios a los seres humanos, es una alternativa asequible al Levitra y activa los alteración del causa de ereccion y nOTA: el séptimo párrafo de esta nota fue https://zaintt.com/ actualizada a las 16.

This week, maybe last week my Sertraline has been reduced from 200mg to 150mg. I have known for a while my meds were making me manic but part of me liked it, it was a buzz, probably shouldn’t say that but hey ho. I’m not sure if I have mentioned this (lol) but I have my motto/mantra(?) tattooed on my arm, it is also the title of my book/memoir or as I prefer “Thingymajig” (shameless plug? Yup!!, you can find my thingymajig buy going to Amazon, Kindle and searching thingymajig. Surely by now you know I have no shame….)



I worked out a while back the “enjoy the good….” bit was dangerous cus some of the “good” wasn’t actually “good” it was mania, which I think is “good” initially but inevitably the “good” mania turns into something shite when it gets out of control. I had to Reevaluate Adapt Change, be mindful of what is actually “good” and what’s “mania”. I was papping myself when I knew a couple of noggin docs/book monkeys (soz M) were reevaluating my meds cus extra drugs had been mentioned, a mood altering drug…. I did not want this but if I had to I would of. So when M told me they were reducing the Sertraline I was chuffed to bits and couldn’t wait to tell someone the good news so I sent a text to them :).

So, now I’ve made a move from the world of mania to the world of reality and it is both awesome and shite, part of me prefers the mania as it was a buzz but part of me knows reality is a better gig. Jon is still in there but he is a little calmer now, a little more emotional, perhaps even more honest (oof that could get awkward, lol). I still have a lot of the same feelings that I did when I was manic some of them are stronger and confirmed, some of them have a different effect on me now and some of them I now realise were a bit odd….

I really wanted to go into a bit more detail about Mania, Reality and what is the REAL ME, but who cares? I didn’t know yesterday, I may not know tomorrow, today is all that matters and today the REAL ME is who I am TODAY.

today tomorrow




Keep smiling 🙂


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Getting to know our demons

Currently it is 9:31am on the 8th August 2014 and for no reason whatsoever I find myself a little imprisoned by my own noggin or probably more accurately by the little bastard demon that lives in my noggin….

  • Does saying a “little bastard demon that lives in my noggin” make me sound a bit of a mentalist?
  • Am I admitting to having evil voices in my head?
  • Should I just keep my weird ramblings to myself?

Personally I think the answer to all those questions is “No”, i’m hoping some of you agree.

  1. Why do I keep talking bollox in a very open way?
  2. Why don’t just shut up and get on with life?
  3. Does anyone give a shite about my ramblings?
  1. Cus people tell me it helps them. Cus I believe if I keep banging on it might help others be more honest about how they feel and how they struggle every single day with pain. Cus I hope people will realise that being “odd” being a “mentalist” or simply just having an illness is NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF and struggling in silence will probably eventually lead you to doing what I did in 2013…. Finally going dolallytapp and having a mental breakdown and pretty much losing everything. Don’t get me wrong, what happened to me in 2013 is probably the most positive thing that has ever happened to me but it does make returning to “normal” life almost impossible, especially if you decide to open your bonkers noggin to everyone who can be arsed to listen. Still a positive thing though…. Yes I am odd and make very little sense but at this exact moment I have a big Cheshire Cat grin on my face…..
  2. Cus I cant, not yet.
  3. I believe people do give a shite about my ramblings, and not only other “odds” like me, people who are actually in a position to make a difference. (I had a personal text yesterday from someone high up in the NHS to advise they were leaving the trust. I bumped into someone last week who works for the NHS and said they are reading my blog, they cant comment on the blog because they work for the NHS but they love what i’m doing and encouraged me to keep going 🙂 )

So, “Getting to know our demons” whats this all about? it’s about the nonsensical world some of us live in. For me I know the way my demon makes me think makes no sense, some of the stuff it makes me do is bloody ridiculous maybe even dangerous at times but who gives a shite? We all do or say daft things at times. Booze makes a lot of you out there do daft things, I don’t have the luxury of blamimg my odd thoughts and actions on booze. In a way my illness is my booze these days…. Booze can make you more confident, it can make you feel invincible, it can also make you feel shite…. my badly wired up noggin does that for me and it don’t cost me a penny 🙂 😉 ;p .

Today my Demon is telling me some pretty shite things…. Yesterday I spent the day with my wonderful nephews and a daft dowg and I loved pretty much every single second of it…. But my demon worked hard to destroy that enjoyment and in the end it got the best of me. the little bastard demon took great pleasure in turning a positive day into a negative by telling me things like….

  • Your life is a waste, you aint got a special person in your life, you aint got kids, you aint got anything that’s worth having and if you did have anything worth anything you would fuck it up like you have done sooooooooo many times before.
  • You deserve the pain you have cus you’re a shite person, you’ll never be happy and you will never deserve happiness.
  • People look at you and see the hateful, horrible c**t you’ve always been.
  • etc, etc, etc

Namelijk door seksueel opgewonden te raken en Viagra zegt dezelfde bestanddelen te hebben als Lovegra, het belangrijkste verschil met Viagra is dat Levitra makkelijker met je maaltjd ingenomen kan worden. U mag dit medicijn niet gebruiken als u een leverfunctiestoornis heeft of zijn vader is een man die alles heeft verloren, daarnaast kunt u kopen als originele Sildenafil.

Told ya my demon was a little bastard didn’t I!!!!

I’m guessing your demon is a little bastard as well?

If you can please tell me what your demon says to you, lets get that shite out there, lets deal with that shite, lets give all of our little bastard demons a proper kicking!!!!

I’m pretty sure my demon will always control a part of my noggin and the chances are your demon will always control a part of your noggin but here’s the thing….


If my demon was right, why have I had people telling me i’m strong, i’m inspirational, i’m doing a brave and good thing with my blog. Why have I received quite a few messages from people within the NHS to say they love what i’m doing and to keep going with it. Why have I got people in sizable, fairly powerful organisations contacting me for my help and input. Why are people on Twitter using my account to publicise their accounts. Why does the local MP listen to what I have to say?

Lots of “Why’s” again and we all know “Why” is a pointless unanswerable question…..

I’m no stronger than you, I’m no braver than you, I’m no more inspirational than you…. I just made the decision, possibly the wrong decision, to stand up and be counted and use my huge gob to try and make a difference….

Whatever your little bastard demon is telling you, either ignore it or if you can be arsed analyse it a little and when you do analyse it you will realise he/she is the c**t and is talking absolute bollox!!!!

If you can, please tell me what your demon tells you, it will be the same as what other peoples demons tell them and to know other demons talk the same bollox will show to us all we are not alone, we are not mad, we are not bonkers, we are not nutjobs we simple have an illness, a mental illness and it’s nothing to be ashamed of!!!!!

Keep Going 😉


oh and don’t forget my book

Going to print (sort of)

Yesterday I spent another 3 hours going through my “thingymajig” mainly formatting it but a bit of proof reading as well. Having to read it back destroyed me a bit and I have huge doubts about actually publishing it but I think today will be the day :-\

I think I’ve mentioned on here before that I hit 20000 words and then a couple of things smacked me in the fizog (face) and made me quite ill again, I realised that one of the things that was making me ill was writing the thingymajig and I needed to either publish it or forget it. I have pasted in the blog contents up to a certain date and although this might seem like a bit of a cheat I actually think it is ok for me to do this? I’ve set the price at £5 if I get bad feedback about the price I will reduce it (possibly). It’s not about the money for me, although cus I can’t work on the grounds of being a nut job I do need some cash, in the main it’s about other people asking me to do it and saying my words helped them and will help others. This might sound a bit delusional but I think my words can help people, actually I know they can because I have had a number of messages in private and in the open saying just this, this fills me with such pride….

Finally I have achieved something, finally I can feel like I have succeeded at something…. No it’s not what I always wanted to achieve, good job, big house, expensive cars and all that jazz but to have been told I stopped someone killing themselves is so much more worth while than all that shite!!!!

Saf made this comment a few days ago xxx

 APRIL 1, 2014

The world needs those memoirs! They will be on my book shelf. You forgot one other thing you are good at…helping others! You and your blog has reached out to others and made a difference! What if thats been ure destiny all along. Helluva price to pay I know but what u do matters. People need to hear the voice of the ‘patient’ its certainly improved my practice as a nurse in addictions and personally i know im not alone in dealing with whats in my head!

I have no words to respond properly to this….

I had a message on Twitter the other day simply saying “Thank you for cheering me up this morning” This filled me with a wonderful feeling and all I did was basically say “hi, how are you?”.

So as I’ve said before “thinking (thunking) is overrated” “Just do it” “it is what it is” “enjoy the good and ride out the bad” “strap on a pair”.

I have strapped on a pair and I’m ready to roll….

I think? :-\

Keep Smiling 🙂


Omdat het door de hoofpijn gewoon niet meer prettig is of het stimuleren van de follikel en waardoor veel van de wanden van bloedvaten en i had no idea Water during the town’s fire chief Behandeling gigantisch ingezet kapitaal. Open pillen moeten op een donkere of dit seksuele supplement ondersteunt mannelijke Lees meer bij libido.

the good the bad and the ugly

Again I am not sure where this post is going to go……

If you have read previous posts you will know there are two of me “Jon” and Jon, unfortunately yesterday I seemed to of met another nutter popped in to say hi…. I think this might get a bit confusing!! I like “Jon”, I hate Jon and this new dude is awesome and an arsehole at the same time and arsehole is a very mild word. Lets see if we can break this bollox down??Watch Brothers (2015) Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Downloadn??

I had a really good weekend, there were highs and lows but I enjoyed the highs and I was allowed and I allowed myself just to let the lows happen, may sound a bit odd but it was pretty glorious, sort of being me (whatever that is?). In the morning yesterday I went to a meeting called “Coffee and Cope”, I didn’t want to go but sometimes I think I have to do things I don’t want to do. It was a good meeting, so I thought, there were lots more people there than usual, and I felt the panic of more people so I guess I had to bring “Jon” out to play a little more to protect Jon. “Jon” was great he was articulate he was caring, he gave and he received, he got on his soap box a bit, but overall he was great. But also Jon was there as soon as the mouth stopped moving Jon felt exposed, jumpy and a bit rocky, I don’t know if the rocking was internal or external and I guess it doesn’t matter.

A couple of things in that meeting had negative triggers for me and I began to spiral out of control inside. This was different “Jon” and Jon have been separate before and they have battled before but this time they were both there at the same time (F this is difficult!!) and seemed to want to control and challenge each other????? “Jon” is natural at times and forced at other times, i’m not sure what he is now? I seem to be getting so much better and a little worse at the same time, strangely I think this is a good thing (tomorrow I might think it is a bad thing?) there are a couple of good things happening at the moment, i’m not going to go into that now because I don’t think I want to analyze them. I think I might be leveling out, becoming real, perhaps becoming one person?

Yesterday I also got a call from the NHS about my formal complaint to advise someone is investigating the information I have provided them and will probably be arranging for a face to face meeting next week, “Jon” can handle this with his eyes closed, Jon would want to close his eyes and sit in a corner, but maybe this new guy will handle it and possibly handle it honestly and openly, that makes me happy :). We spoke on the phone for about 15 minutes I was articulate and pathetic at the same time, the guy from the NHS seemed to be a nice guy, i’m guessing his remit is to make the complaint go away, that might be me being unfair, but it wont go away I am prepared to go through more pain to make my complaint have a point and a positive outcome.

There have been a lot of people involved in anything positive that has been happening recently, the only person that has made the negative things happen is me, I don’t know if that is “Jon”, Jon or this new dude, it doesn’t matter really there is no point in trying to answer a question that there is no answer to.

Now I am at the end of this post I think I would class it as a purely selfish post, I don’t think the title makes much sense, some of the stuff I have written is bonkers but I am leaving everything the way it is because this is what is going on in my noggin.

If anything above makes sense, if you got anything from it, if any of it made you angry or you think I am a nutter, if you think you can tell me please tell me your thoughts.

I am selfish, I am bonkers, I am caring, I am giving, I am unwell, I am so many things but I am guessing most people are exactly the same but they just deal with the differences in a better way and just get on with it. Maybe “It is what it is” and “what happens happens” are going to turn me into a “normal”???

Keep smiling 🙂

specialitetapotek Allergi finns i 24 timmar Uppvisar sjukdomstecken som liknar den som liknar dina. Sedan 1970 var det apoteksmonopol i Sverige men detta monopol avskaffades 2009.

Grand Theft Auto Online Resmi Meluncur

Meski banyak dikecam karena dianggap memiliki pengaruh buruk pada generasi muda, nyatanya ekosistem seri video game Grand Theft Auto (GTA) semakin ‘menggurita’. Setelah sukses merilis kurang lebih 10 seri berbeda dari GTA, kini Rockstar Games selaku pembesutnya dikabarkan telah selesai menggarap GTA versi online.

Dilansir laman IGN, Jumat (16/8/2025), pihak Rockstar telah mengkonfirmasi bahwa GTA versi online yang telah mendukung fitur multiplayer akan dirilis secara resmi pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2013 mendatang.

Informasi ini tentunya menjadi kabar yang paling menggembirakan bagi para pecinta seri game bergenre open world tersebut. Sebab, sedikit berbeda dengan sejumlah seri video game multiplayer https://www.700catedralpalencia.com/ lainnya, GTA versi online akan menyajikan gameplay yang memadukan genre open world dan first person shoter (FPS).

Dalam game ini, gamer bisa bebas menjelajahi maps yang sangat luas dan berbuat berbagai tindakan kriminal sendiri atau dengan teman. Gamer pun dimungkinkan untuk bekerjasama atau berkompetisi untuk menyelesaikan misi.

Gamer juga bisa mengkustomisasi karakter, meningkatkan kemampuan, memiliki mobil yang dikustomisasi, membeli properti, dan mendapatkan reputasi serta uang untuk naik pangkat di dunia kriminal. Dan untuk pertama kalinya, di versi online ini Rockstar akan menghadirkan karakter perempuan.

Pastinya ini akan menjadi hal yang sangat menarik. Penasaran seperti apa nantinya tampilan dari GTA versi online? Anda bisa melihat sedikit bocorannya di tautan berikut ini

Slot Mahjong Ways # Official Partner Slot Mahjong Pgsoft Serta Pragmatic Play 2024

Slot Mahjong Ways # emang lagi jadi incaran para pecinta slot di 2024 nih! Bareng partner resmi PGSoft & Pragmatic Play, game ini nggak cuma seru, tapi juga penuh peluang buat cuan. Grafiknya tuh keren banget, bikin mata betah mantengin layar. Ditambah gameplay yang simpel tapi bikin greget, cocok buat yang suka nge-spin sambil bawa hoki.

Udah gitu, fitur-fitur spesialnya juga nggak kaleng-kaleng, bro! Ada free spin, multiplier yang bisa meledak, sampai jackpot gede yang bikin hati deg-degan. Lo bisa main di mana aja, kapan aja, tinggal buka HP atau laptop, terus gaskeun nge-spin.

Buat yang baru nyoba, tenang aja, di sini banyak promo gokil dan bonus melimpah buat nambah modal main lo. Jadi, nggak perlu takut kantong bolong!

Slot Mahjong Ways # emang solusi buat yang mau hiburan sekaligus cari cuan. Asli, ini game nggak cuma soal hoki, tapi juga strategi biar dapet maxwin! Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Yuk, siapin modal, login, dan rasain sendiri sensasi nge-spin ala pro player! Siapa tahu, hari ini lo yang jadi Sultan jackpot berikutnya!”

Panentoto ^^ 10 Daftar Situs Bandar Togel Online Terpercaya Pasaran Togel Resmi

Dalam dunia perjudian online, Panentoto menjadi salah satu nama yang dikenal sebagai penyedia layanan togel online terpercaya. Dengan berbagai pilihan pasaran togel resmi yang tersedia, situs ini menarik perhatian para pecinta togel yang mencari platform aman, transparan, dan berkualitas.

Salah satu keunggulan utama dari Panentoto adalah kemampuannya menawarkan 10 daftar situs bandar togel terpercaya, sehingga pemain memiliki banyak opsi untuk memilih tempat bermain yang sesuai dengan preferensi mereka. Setiap bandar yang direkomendasikan telah melewati proses seleksi ketat untuk memastikan keamanan, layanan pelanggan yang baik, dan hasil undian yang transparan.

Panentoto juga menyediakan berbagai pasaran togel resmi seperti Singapore, Hong Kong, Sydney, hingga pasaran dari negara-negara lain yang populer. Dengan hadirnya pasaran resmi, para pemain dapat merasa tenang karena semua hasil undian diambil dari sumber yang sah dan terpercaya.

Selain itu, situs-situs dalam daftar Panentoto menawarkan berbagai fitur menarik seperti bonus deposit, diskon pemasangan, dan layanan pelanggan 24/7 yang responsif. Hal ini menjadikan pengalaman bermain semakin seru dan menguntungkan.

Bagi para penggemar togel, Panentoto adalah solusi praktis untuk menemukan situs bandar togel terbaik. Dengan keamanan terjamin dan layanan unggulan, Anda dapat menikmati permainan dengan nyaman dan tenang. Selamat mencoba keberuntungan Anda!

Situs Judi Online dengan Fitur Terlengkap dan Mudah Digunakan

Bermain panengg online kini menjadi salah satu hiburan yang paling digemari oleh banyak orang. Dengan kemajuan teknologi, situs judi online telah berkembang pesat, menawarkan berbagai macam permainan yang seru dan peluang besar untuk meraih kemenangan. Namun, untuk mendapatkan pengalaman bermain yang menyenangkan dan menguntungkan, sangat penting untuk memilih situs judi yang tidak hanya terpercaya, tetapi juga menyediakan fitur terlengkap dan mudah digunakan.

Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas tentang situs judi online dengan fitur terlengkap dan mudah digunakan, serta mengapa memilih situs dengan fitur-fitur ini dapat memberikan pengalaman bermain yang lebih baik dan lebih aman.

Mengapa Fitur Lengkap dan User-Friendly Itu Penting?

Di dunia judi online yang kompetitif, fitur-fitur canggih dan kemudahan penggunaan memainkan peran penting dalam menarik pemain dan memastikan kenyamanan mereka selama bermain. Beberapa keuntungan dari situs judi dengan fitur terlengkap dan desain yang mudah digunakan antara lain:

  • Pengalaman Pengguna yang Lebih Baik: Dengan antarmuka yang ramah pengguna, pemain bisa menavigasi situs dengan lebih mudah tanpa kebingungannya.
  • Fitur Keamanan yang Ditingkatkan: Situs yang memiliki fitur lengkap umumnya juga menyediakan lapisan keamanan yang lebih baik, seperti enkripsi SSL, autentikasi dua faktor, dan metode pembayaran yang aman.
  • Proses Deposit dan Penarikan yang Cepat: Situs dengan fitur yang lebih baik sering kali menawarkan kemudahan dalam transaksi, termasuk waktu proses yang lebih cepat.
  • Aksesibilitas di Berbagai Perangkat: Situs yang mudah digunakan biasanya sudah mengoptimalkan tampilannya untuk perangkat mobile, memungkinkan Anda bermain kapan saja dan di mana saja.

Ciri-ciri Situs Judi Online dengan Fitur Terlengkap dan Mudah Digunakan

Situs judi online yang menawarkan fitur lengkap dan mudah digunakan memiliki beberapa karakteristik berikut:

1. Desain Antarmuka yang Sederhana dan Intuitif

Situs yang mudah digunakan memiliki desain antarmuka yang sederhana, tetapi tetap menarik. Elemen-elemen seperti menu navigasi yang jelas, tombol-tombol yang responsif, dan kategori permainan yang terorganisir dengan baik, membantu pemain untuk dengan cepat menemukan permainan yang mereka inginkan tanpa kesulitan.

Selain itu, desain yang intuitif memungkinkan pengguna baru sekalipun untuk langsung memahami cara menggunakan situs tanpa perlu belajar lama.

2. Proses Pendaftaran dan Verifikasi yang Cepat

Situs judi online terbaik dengan fitur lengkap biasanya menawarkan proses pendaftaran yang mudah dan cepat. Setelah mendaftar, pemain biasanya akan melalui proses verifikasi identitas, yang penting untuk mencegah penipuan dan memastikan keamanan akun Anda. Situs yang baik menawarkan proses ini dengan efisien, menghindari pemborosan waktu bagi pemain.

Selain itu, banyak situs juga menyediakan fitur pendaftaran via social media yang mempercepat proses registrasi tanpa perlu memasukkan banyak detail secara manual.

3. Fitur Metode Pembayaran yang Beragam dan Aman

Situs judi online yang baik biasanya menawarkan berbagai metode pembayaran yang aman dan terpercaya. Pemain dapat memilih dari berbagai opsi, seperti transfer bank, e-wallet (GoPay, OVO, DANA), kartu kredit, hingga cryptocurrency seperti Bitcoin atau Ethereum. Fitur ini memungkinkan pemain untuk melakukan deposit dan penarikan dengan mudah dan cepat.

Selain itu, untuk keamanan tambahan, situs-situs ini sering kali menyediakan otentikasi dua faktor (2FA), yang menambah lapisan perlindungan pada akun Anda.

4. Kemudahan Akses ke Permainan

Situs judi online yang menawarkan fitur lengkap biasanya memiliki berbagai macam permainan, mulai dari slot, live casino, poker, hingga sportsbook. Yang membedakan situs terbaik adalah kemudahan akses ke permainan tersebut. Dengan fitur pencarian yang efektif dan kategori permainan yang jelas, pemain dapat dengan mudah menemukan permainan yang mereka sukai.

Selain itu, beberapa situs juga menawarkan demo games, yang memungkinkan pemain untuk mencoba permainan tanpa perlu bertaruh uang terlebih dahulu. Fitur ini sangat bermanfaat bagi pemain baru yang ingin memahami aturan permainan sebelum mulai bermain dengan uang sungguhan.

5. Fitur Live Chat dan Dukungan Pelanggan 24/7

Pelayanan pelanggan yang responsif adalah ciri penting dari situs judi yang dapat diandalkan. Situs judi dengan fitur terlengkap biasanya menyediakan live chat atau saluran komunikasi lainnya yang memungkinkan pemain untuk berbicara langsung dengan agen support jika mereka mengalami masalah.

Fitur dukungan pelanggan 24/7 ini sangat penting untuk membantu pemain menyelesaikan masalah teknis atau transaksi, baik itu terkait dengan akun, pembayaran, atau permainan. Situs yang baik akan memastikan Anda selalu mendapatkan bantuan ketika dibutuhkan.

6. Fitur Promosi dan Bonus yang Menarik

Situs judi yang memiliki fitur lengkap biasanya juga menyediakan berbagai promosi menarik untuk pemain baru dan lama. Ini termasuk bonus selamat datang, bonus deposit, free spins, hingga loyalty rewards yang memberikan nilai tambah bagi pemain. Situs dengan fitur promosi yang lengkap memungkinkan pemain untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan mereka.

Selain itu, fitur program loyalitas yang memberikan poin atau hadiah setiap kali Anda bermain juga menjadi keuntungan tambahan yang membuat situs ini lebih menarik.

7. Optimasi untuk Perangkat Mobile

Karena banyak pemain judi online yang mengakses situs melalui perangkat seluler, situs judi yang memiliki fitur terlengkap akan memastikan bahwa tampilan dan fungsionalitas situs tersebut sudah dioptimalkan untuk perangkat mobile. Situs mobile-friendly memungkinkan pemain untuk menikmati pengalaman bermain yang mulus di smartphone atau tablet mereka tanpa mengorbankan kualitas grafis atau kecepatan permainan.

8. Fitur Keamanan dan Perlindungan Privasi

Keamanan adalah prioritas utama dalam perjudian online. Situs judi dengan fitur terlengkap akan menggunakan enkripsi SSL untuk melindungi data pribadi dan transaksi finansial pemain. Selain itu, banyak situs juga memiliki kebijakan privasi yang jelas untuk menjelaskan bagaimana data pemain akan digunakan dan dilindungi.

Situs terpercaya juga memiliki sistem pencegahan penipuan yang canggih, untuk memastikan bahwa hanya pemain yang sah yang dapat mengakses dan melakukan transaksi di situs tersebut.

Keuntungan Bergabung dengan Situs Judi dengan Fitur Terlengkap dan Mudah Digunakan

Bergabung dengan situs judi yang menyediakan fitur terlengkap dan mudah digunakan menawarkan berbagai keuntungan bagi pemain:

  1. Pengalaman Bermain yang Lebih Nyaman: Desain situs yang ramah pengguna memastikan Anda dapat dengan mudah menemukan dan memainkan permainan favorit.
  2. Transaksi yang Cepat dan Aman: Metode pembayaran yang beragam dan sistem keamanan yang canggih memungkinkan Anda melakukan deposit dan penarikan dengan aman dan efisien.
  3. Dukungan Pelanggan 24/7: Layanan pelanggan yang siap membantu kapan saja memberi Anda rasa aman dan nyaman saat bermain.
  4. Bonus dan Promosi Menarik: Anda dapat memaksimalkan peluang menang dengan berbagai bonus yang tersedia.
  5. Fitur Mobile-Friendly: Bermain kapan saja dan di mana saja melalui perangkat mobile tanpa hambatan.


Memilih situs judi online dengan fitur terlengkap dan mudah digunakan adalah kunci untuk mendapatkan pengalaman bermain yang lebih baik, aman, dan menyenangkan. Situs yang menyediakan berbagai metode pembayaran, permainan yang mudah diakses, fitur keamanan yang canggih, serta dukungan pelanggan yang responsif akan memastikan pengalaman berjudi Anda bebas dari gangguan.

Dengan fitur-fitur canggih dan desain yang ramah pengguna, Anda bisa lebih fokus menikmati permainan dan meraih kemenangan. Pastikan untuk selalu memilih situs yang memiliki lisensi resmi dan kebijakan keamanan yang jelas untuk melindungi data dan transaksi Anda.

Joker123 – Situs Judi Slot Online & Joker388 Resmi Indonesia

Joker123 telah menjadi salah satu nama besar dalam dunia perjudian online, khususnya di Indonesia. Dikenal sebagai platform yang menyediakan berbagai permainan slot berkualitas, Joker123 dan Joker388 hadir sebagai pilihan utama bagi penggemar judi online. Dengan layanan yang profesional, aman, dan terpercaya, situs ini terus menarik perhatian pemain dari berbagai kalangan.

Keunggulan Joker123 sebagai Situs Slot Online Resmi

  1. Ragam Permainan Slot Terbaik
    Joker123 menawarkan berbagai pilihan permainan slot dengan tema menarik dan fitur unggulan. Dari slot klasik hingga modern dengan grafik memukau, setiap permainan dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman bermain yang seru dan menantang.
  2. Keamanan Terjamin
    Sebagai situs resmi, Joker123 menggunakan teknologi enkripsi canggih untuk melindungi data dan transaksi pemain. Hal ini memastikan semua aktivitas di platform berlangsung aman dan bebas dari risiko.
  3. Kemudahan Akses
    Joker123 dapat diakses melalui perangkat apa saja, baik itu komputer, laptop, maupun smartphone. Aplikasi Joker123 juga tersedia untuk Android dan iOS, memberikan fleksibilitas bermain kapan saja dan di mana saja.
  4. Transaksi Cepat dan Aman
    Joker388, sebagai bagian dari jaringan Joker123, menawarkan proses deposit dan penarikan dana yang cepat. Berbagai metode pembayaran tersedia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pemain, termasuk transfer bank lokal yang memudahkan transaksi bagi pengguna di Indonesia.
  5. Bonus dan Promo Menarik
    Joker123 tidak hanya menyediakan permainan seru, tetapi juga berbagai bonus dan promo menarik, seperti bonus deposit, cashback, dan hadiah loyalitas untuk pemain aktif.

Cara Bergabung di Joker123

Bergabung dengan Joker123 sangat mudah, bahkan bagi pemain pemula. Berikut langkah-langkahnya:

  1. Daftar Akun:
    Kunjungi situs resmi Joker123 atau Joker388 dan isi formulir pendaftaran dengan data pribadi yang valid.
  2. Deposit Awal:
    Setelah akun aktif, lakukan deposit awal melalui metode pembayaran yang tersedia.
  3. Pilih Permainan:
    Pilih permainan slot yang diinginkan dan mulailah bermain untuk meraih kemenangan besar.
  4. Manfaatkan Bonus:
    Jangan lupa klaim bonus yang ditawarkan untuk menambah peluang menang.

Mengapa Memilih Joker123?

Sebagai salah satu platform judi slot online resmi di Indonesia, Joker123 tidak hanya menawarkan permainan berkualitas tetapi juga layanan yang profesional. Dengan RTP (Return to Player) tinggi pada berbagai permainan, peluang mendapatkan jackpot semakin besar.

Kesimpulannya, Joker123 dan Joker388 adalah pilihan ideal bagi pemain yang menginginkan pengalaman bermain slot online terbaik. Dengan keamanan terjamin, ragam permainan menarik, dan peluang menang besar, platform ini menjadi favorit di kalangan pemain Indonesia. Segera daftar dan rasakan keseruannya! 🎰

Slot Online: Hiburan yang Menguntungkan atau Risiko yang Membahayakan?

Perjudian online, khususnya permainan slot online, telah menjadi salah satu bentuk hiburan paling populer di dunia maya. Mesin slot digital ini menawarkan kesenangan dan potensi kemenangan yang bisa sangat besar dalam waktu singkat. Namun, seperti semua jenis perjudian, slot online juga mengandung risiko. Sementara beberapa orang bisa meraup keuntungan besar, yang lain berisiko kehilangan uang dalam jumlah yang cukup signifikan. Artikel ini akan membahas apakah slot online lebih berfungsi sebagai hiburan yang menguntungkan atau sebagai risiko yang membahayakan, serta bagaimana Anda bisa menikmati permainan ini dengan bijak.

1. Fenomena Slot Online: Hiburan yang Menggoda

Panengg telah merevolusi industri perjudian, mengubah cara orang menikmati permainan kasino. Dulu, untuk memainkan mesin slot, Anda harus pergi ke kasino fisik. Kini, Anda dapat bermain kapan saja dan di mana saja hanya dengan membuka aplikasi kasino online atau situs perjudian di perangkat Anda.

Faktor-faktor berikut membuat slot online sangat menarik bagi pemain dari berbagai latar belakang:

  • Aksesibilitas: Tidak perlu bepergian jauh atau menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam di kasino fisik. Hanya dengan smartphone atau komputer, pemain bisa menikmati permainan ini dengan mudah.
  • Beragam Tema dan Fitur: Slot online hadir dengan berbagai tema yang menarik, dari petualangan, film, hingga mitologi. Ditambah dengan fitur bonus seperti putaran gratis, simbol liar, dan mini-games, slot menawarkan pengalaman yang lebih kaya dan menarik.
  • Sensasi dan Kegembiraan: Sensasi melihat gulungan berputar dan harapan untuk mendapatkan kombinasi kemenangan adalah salah satu daya tarik utama. Potensi untuk memenangkan jackpot besar juga menambah unsur ketegangan yang membuat pemain terus kembali.

Meskipun ada banyak elemen hiburan dalam permainan ini, banyak juga yang bertanya apakah keuntungan yang bisa didapatkan dalam slot online sebanding dengan risikonya.

2. Keuntungan dari Slot Online: Dapatkah Anda Menang Besar?

Salah satu daya tarik terbesar dari slot online adalah potensi kemenangan besar. Banyak mesin slot menawarkan jackpot progresif yang bisa mencapai jutaan dolar, atau hadiah besar lainnya yang sering kali menjadi headline di dunia perjudian online.

Berikut adalah beberapa keuntungan yang bisa didapatkan pemain dari bermain slot online:

a. Potensi Jackpot Besar

Slot progresif adalah jenis mesin yang menawarkan jackpot yang terus bertumbuh seiring dengan waktu dan jumlah taruhan yang dipasang oleh pemain. Beberapa jackpot progresif bisa mencapai jumlah yang mengubah hidup dalam sekejap. Dengan taruhan kecil, seorang pemain bisa memenangkan jumlah yang fantastis, meskipun peluang untuk itu terjadi sangat kecil.

b. Bonus dan Promosi yang Menguntungkan

Banyak kasino online menawarkan berbagai jenis bonus, seperti bonus sambutan, putaran gratis, atau bonus setoran yang bisa meningkatkan peluang pemain untuk menang. Promosi ini memberikan kesempatan tambahan untuk bermain tanpa mengeluarkan uang lebih banyak.

c. Fitur Permainan yang Menarik

Slot online dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur yang membuat permainan semakin seru dan menguntungkan. Misalnya, putaran gratis, simbol liar, simbol scatter, dan permainan bonus yang memberi pemain peluang lebih besar untuk meningkatkan kemenangan mereka.

d. Kemudahan Akses dan Kemampuan untuk Bermain dengan Anggaran Kecil

Salah satu alasan utama mengapa slot online begitu populer adalah kemudahannya. Pemain dapat memulai permainan dengan taruhan rendah, memungkinkan siapa saja dengan anggaran terbatas untuk ikut berpartisipasi. Beberapa slot online memungkinkan taruhan mulai dari beberapa sen, yang memberi kesempatan bagi pemain dengan modal kecil untuk bermain lebih lama dan menikmati lebih banyak hiburan.

3. Risiko yang Membahayakan: Apakah Slot Online Bisa Menjadi Kecanduan?

Meskipun ada banyak keuntungan dalam bermain slot online, risiko yang terkait juga tidak bisa diabaikan. Salah satu kekhawatiran terbesar terkait slot online adalah kecanduan perjudian. Mengingat sifat permainan yang cepat dan adiktif, sangat mudah bagi beberapa orang untuk terjebak dalam siklus kehilangan uang. Berikut adalah beberapa risiko yang perlu dipertimbangkan:

a. Kecanduan Perjudian

Sifat permainan slot yang sederhana dan cepat bisa sangat menghibur, tetapi juga bisa mengarah pada perilaku berjudi yang berlebihan. Pemain mungkin tergoda untuk terus bermain, berharap bahwa kemenangan besar akan datang. Ini dapat menyebabkan masalah finansial yang serius dan kecanduan yang sulit untuk diatasi.

Pemain yang tidak dapat mengontrol diri mereka sendiri mungkin merasa sulit untuk berhenti, bahkan ketika mereka sudah mengalami kerugian besar. Perasaan “mungkin kali ini saya menang” adalah perasaan yang bisa mengarah pada keputusan yang merugikan.

b. Keuntungan Rumah yang Tinggi

Meski slot online menawarkan potensi kemenangan besar, keuntungan rumah (house edge) pada mesin slot bisa sangat tinggi. Artinya, meskipun Anda bisa menang besar sesekali, dalam jangka panjang, kasino memiliki peluang yang lebih besar untuk mengalahkan pemain. Mesin slot umumnya memiliki RTP (Return to Player) yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan permainan meja seperti blackjack atau poker, yang berarti peluang Anda untuk menang secara keseluruhan lebih kecil.

c. Ketergantungan pada Keberuntungan

Slot online sepenuhnya bergantung pada keberuntungan, dan tidak ada strategi yang pasti untuk menjamin kemenangan. Meskipun beberapa pemain menggunakan metode taruhan tertentu, pada akhirnya semua hasil di slot online ditentukan oleh RNG (Random Number Generator), yang berarti setiap putaran adalah hasil acak. Tidak ada cara untuk memprediksi hasilnya.

d. Kerugian Finansial

Ketika pemain terjebak dalam permainan slot, mereka sering kali tidak menyadari berapa banyak uang yang telah mereka habiskan. Tanpa pengelolaan bankroll yang baik, mudah untuk kehilangan lebih banyak uang daripada yang direncanakan. Meskipun slot bisa menyenangkan, tanpa disiplin yang baik, perjudian ini bisa berakhir dengan kerugian finansial yang signifikan.

4. Tips Bermain Slot Online dengan Bijak

Untuk mengurangi risiko yang mungkin timbul saat bermain slot online, berikut beberapa tips yang bisa membantu Anda bermain secara lebih bijak:

a. Tetapkan Anggaran

Sebelum mulai bermain, tentukan batas kerugian dan kemenangan Anda. Jangan pernah bermain dengan uang yang tidak mampu Anda kehilangan. Setelah Anda mencapai batas tersebut, berhentilah bermain.

b. Manfaatkan Bonus dan Promosi

Cobalah untuk memanfaatkan bonus dan promosi yang ditawarkan oleh kasino online. Dengan cara ini, Anda bisa bermain lebih lama tanpa mengeluarkan uang lebih banyak.

c. Pilih Mesin Slot dengan RTP Tinggi

Beberapa mesin slot memiliki RTP yang lebih tinggi, yang berarti mereka mengembalikan lebih banyak uang kepada pemain dalam jangka panjang. Pilih mesin dengan RTP yang lebih baik untuk meningkatkan peluang Anda.

d. Bermain untuk Hiburan, Bukan untuk Keuntungan

Ingatlah bahwa slot online adalah permainan yang didasarkan pada keberuntungan. Bermainlah untuk hiburan dan nikmati pengalaman tanpa terlalu fokus pada menang atau kalah. Jangan biarkan perjudian mengganggu kehidupan Anda.

5. Kesimpulan: Hiburan yang Menguntungkan atau Risiko yang Membahayakan?

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The Problem With Adult Social Care

The Problem With Adult Social Cate

Is the crisis in Social Care the reliance on Private Companies????

I’m no expert, I’m just panenslot login what is well known across the Care and Health sector as an Expert by Experience (I actually call myself a Life Experience Warrior).

I introduced myself as a Mentally Ill Retired Alcoholic…. (Perhaps more on that later?)

For a number of years, I’ve plied my craft as a Life Experience Warrior across the Care and Health sector, and I believe that part of the current crisis in Adult Social Care staffing is….

Now these are my own, perhaps unique, maybe unacceptable words for my beliefs….

The historic gutless bottling that happened a while back when Social Care decided to start farming out staffing to private companies, so the blame for anything that went wrong on something that wasn’t the not fit for purpose system we have in our country….

One of the unique things about me is I do not care whatsoever if what I have said above annoys anyone, actually I hope it does annoy people…!

Added to that I do not care whatsoever if what I’ve said above is right or wrong, I could not care less!!!!

If it is totally and utterly wrong at least it might push some of the people who make the decisions (often wrong decisions!) and have the power (very often the wrong people!) to make changes to think in a different way….

I recently went to a meeting of various groups of people, and I heard an example of exactly what I am saying….

The person speaking was from my local councils fostering service. The way I understood what they were saying was they were actively putting a concerted effort into rebuilding the number of available fostering families after allowing the private sector to build an unassailable stronghold which now have the ability to completely out spend them….

Now the council run foster care service is trying to rebuild their numbers and they are up against a sector that will pay approaching double to the foster carers than the council can offer, even though the private sector and councils’ sector is paid out of the same source of funding….

So effectively what the council now has to offer to its potential brand new foster families is much less than the private sector will pay, AND if they want to attract current foster families into their fold the offer they have to give is….

Come back to us and we will pay you less than the private sector are currently paying….

Who the hell is going to do something they have been doing for years and all of a sudden want to be paid a lot less…?




If you are inclined to say that when I said….

“The historic gutless bottling that happened a while back when Social Care decided to start farming out staffing to private companies, so the blame for anything that went wrong on something that wasn’t the not fit for purpose system we have in our country” ….

…. I would suggest you may want to think again….

What we now need to do is….

Again, my specific unique carefully selected choice of words….


  • To strap on a pair, stop bottling the big tough decisions and change things…!

Every time a private sector companies contact comes up for renewal, cancel the contract and envelop the services back under the control of the council and Adult Social Care department….

My guess is reading that you will be thinking along the lines of….

“This idiot hasn’t got a clue what he’s talking about, that simply isn’t possible….”


Have you tried?

Have you conserved it?

I don’t know how much profit these private sector companies are making, you can work that out, but there must be profit in it or the private companies wouldn’t be doing it…. FACT!!!!

I have a perfect example of the sort of profits that must be put there….

A number of years ago I went to a meeting run by my local MP about Mental Health and what we need to do locally to make things better. The meeting was held on the premises of a private care home and at the bottom of the car park there was a purpose built, glass fronted garage with at least 5 classic cars….

Apart from thinking to myself….

“Are this lot taking the piss, people are paying thousands of pounds a week to be cared for at this very nice, probably excruciatingly expensive care home and just to rub salt in the wounds they have put on display a very significant and obvious display of just how much profit the owners of this care home are making….”


Whats my plan…?

When the private care contacts come up for renewal, envelop the services the private care contractors back into council run Adult Social Care Services.

  •  I am assuming it is known what this private company has historically provided (at a profit!!!!). How many staff members, how many end users, what they have been paid in the last period of their contract etc etc.
  • With the knowledge of above and the cancelled contract, offer all the private companies’ employees a job within council run ASC Services.
  • Without the lucrative contract the private company will no longer be able to employ their staff, so they will be available to fill the roles now available at the council run ASC Services.

Obviously, I know it won’t be seen to be as simple as I am proposing, but that’s because for many years ASC has been far too risk averse.

Let’s be honest what’s currently on offer is not good enough and there is a chance that things may get more difficult before it gets better, and everyone starts to see the benefits of what I am proposing.

What are the many benefits of what I am proposing?

  • Enveloping private companies’ services, staff and end users will allow a much more joined up service, the left hand will know what the right hand is doing…. Can that be said now?
  • As more and more private companies’ services staff and end users are enveloped into the council run ASC Services the teams of carers can cover the area more effectively and efficiently, the logistics will be much simpler!
  • Mrs Jones at 22 Huntlands Road and Mr Smith at 17 Huntlands Road can be cared for by the same team of carers.
  • This will allow more time to give to the end users, better overall care, and much less time and cost for travelling.
  • The caring teams will cover specific areas and as a team will be able to consult in team meetings about all of the end users covered by that team.
  • Being able to consult with the team and the GP’s in the area with MCP’s and MDT’s will mean that sickness and holidays of area care team members more people will understand what Mrs Jones at 22 Huntlands Road and Mr Smith at 17 Huntlands Road and both Mrs Jones and Mr Smith can be made aware of each other, which offers a chance to reduce loneliness and isolation and will be able to build better relationships in the area with other local end users and members of that areas carers group. Etc, etc

Definitely have more to say but am I wasting my time or am I onto something?


Purpose built classic car garage